iOS development in thrissur
iOS Development

iOS mobile apps are remarkable for their look and feel, speed and ease of use. A large percentage of elite global customers are iOS users, and compared to Android users, iOS users are likely to spend more on in-app purchases according to a recent study. Thus iOS mobile app development is an exciting field, with limitless opportunities to grab the customers’ attention in the highly competitive mobile marketing space.

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iOS development in thrissur

ATEES Infomedia Pvt. Ltd delivers secure and next-gen iOS development in Thrissur for start ups, SMEs and enterprises worldwide. We understand our clients’ specific business requirements to deliver powerful, ROI-focused solutions. We create apps with perfect look and feel, clean code and target audience specific design. Our team constantly researches and evaluates latest app features of Apple to deliver robust, scalable apps which deliver results.

Our goal is to replace traditional business process with app-driven solutions that rapidly convert leads to business. With several years of expertise in the domain of app development, we pride ourselves in building cutting-edge, business-oriented apps delivered well within stipulated limits of time and budget.

We employ Apple’s best practices and constantly innovate. Our expert team of iOS developers is proficient in C, Objective C and Swift native development technologies and delivers robust apps with clean code that get approved on App store in one go. We also offer support services for the apps we make, by constantly updating them with the latest iOS features and ensuring compatibility with newer phones’ hardware.
If you are planning to build an application that renders to your valued customers, use our result-oriented services with a proven track record. Get your business a virtual name card with the exceptional iOS applications built by our experts at ATEES.

SEO in Kerala
Latest Google SEO Updates and Algorithm changes in 2017

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SEO plays an important role in building up of your business from time to time. SEO tools are the absolute solution needed to maintain the page ranking in the search engine result pages. To be able to receive the best out of the google seo tactics you have to stay renovated with the latest updates in the market. This way you can also understand about the latest trends introduced that helps ranking much simpler than ever before, given that your efforts are same or even better compared to the former one. So be attentive and keep your eyes and ears open for new announcements regarding the seo updates from this tech giant.

SEO in Kerala

Algorithms are set of rules to be followed by a computer to retrieve an information from a list of data items. Search algorithms focus on detecting a specific term or line from a long queue of items shown up in the search engine result page. Google is the innovator in this field and new updates with enhanced features are essential for the intensifying the website. Web administrators need to have an exceptional knowledge on the upcoming and latest search algorithms introduced as they are the ones who keeps us updated on the web.

Google has been upgraded with enormous number of updates of prominent search algorithms which was utilized by the businesses across the globe which helped them merge with success. Following are the search algorithms to be viewed upon for latest seo updates in 2017 powered by google to ensure better ranking in search engine result pages.

  • Hummingbird Update:SEO in kerala

Google has been using this update since August 2013 and has plenty of aspects that influenced the search engine results. It got its name for the reason being small and swift similar to the humming bird. It was introduced with an aim to clearly focus on the meaning of the term or phrase used rather than scanning on a particular keyword. This aims at matching the meaning of the word that the user search for and displays a more accurate results. Modernized features of new update are capable of showcasing some significant performance in keyword research. Graph facts are introduced for better search result on SERP and keyword stuffing can be easily recognized with this upgrade.

  • Penguin Update:seo in kerala

Google made open this update to the public on 12 April to hold the sites from spamming google search results. This technique seeks to lessen the search ranking of the website which make use of black hat seo strategy to tremendously boost the rankings. This is also applicable for sites that do not comply with google’s guidelines of seo. With the release of the new update they ensure strict action are set on websites using cunningness to effortlessly increase their position in the world wide web. Moreover they keep an eye on spamming websites that buy links or acquire it through linked networks to alter their stand.

  • Panda Update:SEO in Kerala

Introduced Panda to the world of seo on February 2011. It provides a strong search filter capable of blocking websites with low quality content from being escalated to the top in search engine. One of the cons with panda is that it ignores the list already caught previously by the algorithm. Heuristic analysis is employed to get hold of poor content set of pages who may have escaped before. Renovating the site may deliver false positive to come into effect. Some important update features recently has brought about some serious changes in the algorithm. Same keywords are not allowed to be repeated in multiple pages. Panda gives way to new standard contents and avoids incoming of poor ones.

  • Pigeon Update:seo in kerala

Launched on July 24, 2013 is yet another algorithm initiated to impart functional, relevant and precise search results that are more similar to the typical searching factors. Google expresses the fact that it refines their distance and parameters in a more optimal manner the user hopes for. It gives more preference to the local search results with this update, so this can be more beneficial for running small businesses confined to a limited area. Pigeon update can out turn google maps result too as this algorithm is entirely location specific and location matters here more than anything else. Optimization is to be controlled for proper functionality and paved way to more powerful domains.

  • Mobile Friendly Update:seo in kerala

An algorithm designed enabling compatibility with mobile devices was released on April 21, 2015 and they named it mobile friendly update. The name itself defines its purpose. Web searches with a mobile was made trouble free similar to to that of a desktop. This update is known by many names as the date on which this reform was put into effect was remarkable.

Mobilegeddon, mobilepocalyse, mobocalys are some of the names it is being called in the world of search engines. If you are onto work in a mobile page and want to know whether your page is considered by google, evaluate it with a mobile friendly testing tool. Latest mobile friendly seo updates have a mobile testing tool with API access made accessible to the end user’s and speed ranking factors are also implemented into mobile sites to make it faster.

  • Pay Day Update:seo in kerala

Google’s Pay Day Update was acquainted in June 11,2013 targeted at removing the spammy queries such as payday loans and pornographics and other large spam databases. It also utilises similar tech used by the penguin update to punish the websites who are employing spammy methods for enhancing their rankings in the google search engine result pages. Often they makes use of black hat seo to accomplish their requirement and this algorithm terminates it from happening again. Currently Payday Loan 1.0, Payday Loan 2.0 and Payday Loan 3.0 are the latest releases in the market.

  • Pirate Update:seo in kerala

Google Pirate update is a filter formulated to halt sites with many copyrights violation reports from coming up in the search engine results. Again here the sites which are affected beforehand may flee from being caught but not unless they have resolved their issues. It may or may not release false positive results for those held previously. Latest pirate update penalizes websites holding a huge amount of violation breach reports. Removing a page from the index requires valid documents so deceiving activities cannot be carried out, which makes it the best option for medias and artists.

  • Top Heavy Update:seo in kerala

This update was launched in January 2012 with an aim to halt the websites filled with advertisements from spotting well in the rankings. This also is frequently updated in the server and sites that have erased ads can easily recover their lost position. Upgrades occur frequently and ad packed sites will be snatched again even though it was caught before. Page layout algorithm employed in the latest enhancements are just behind websites which are top heavy in advertisements. Same ad contained in a normal ratio announced by google are free from the top heavy penalty.

  • EMD Update:seo in kerala

Exact Match Domain abbreviated as EMD is another filter introduced to prevent keywords that matches the requirement of the user yet being discarded because of the composition of site is of poor standard. This update was activated on September 2012. When it is revised the sites that have improved their quality will retrieve a good position and sites with poor content and those which have escaped the clutches before will have to suffer this algorithm. Notably false positive results may or may not get dispensed.

odoo development in thrissur
What is Odoo, Its Uses and Benefits

Odoo is an Open ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software which helps in managing the entire software suite with ease which forms the groundwork of any company. With the help of Open ERP softwares we can view and control all the business necessity of a company like human resources, accounting, sales, finance, inventory, procurement etc.
Main components of the term includes the Customer Relationship Management, Supply Chain Management, Project Resource Management, Human Resource Management and Finance Resource Management. Due to growing popularity of this platform, it has become the backbone of any business and there is a huge demand for ODOO development in Thrissur. With thousands of downloads per day, around 4000 Odoo apps are being used all over the world in the present scenario.

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Why Open ERP in Thrissur?

odoo development in thrissur


Advanced Technology:
With abrupt rise in this technology, Odoo is always prefered for its uncomplicated service it provides and it can always adapt to the current market trend.

Cost Effective:
One of the main reason why we use Open ERP is that it lowers the maintenance and running cost of the software. It automates all the process and it tears the twist of the user.

Free Of Cost:
You can always download the software online for free and also Odoo software licenses are free when compared to other ERP platforms. This features allows users to give excessive priority for the software.

Easy to Customize:
It is always easy for the user to customize the subject of the at anytime anywhere at faster rate which leads to the efficiency of the business needs and its time effective too.

Odoo possess a modular structure and works with few uncomplicated modules as working with it lead to an integrated solution. Moreover it can also be changed according to the requirement of the team.

Updated Technology:
You will never miss a single update for this software as it will always kept updated with its latest design, technology and features which fulfils the requirement of the user.

ATEES Infomedia Pvt Ltd. is an ERP development company in Thrissur and one of the best Open ERP in Kerala which aims at automating the processes and integrating it to meet the needs of business. We are one of the leading company providing ODOO development in Thrissur and helps in amalgamation of core business processes in a faster way moulding the way to services we provide.

android application development in thrissur
Android Application Development

Android – the smartest and most popular of operating systems used in smartphones. Getting more popular with each update, its versatility and user-friendliness makes Android the most preferred choice of mobile users worldwide.

<>android app development in thrissur, android development in thrissur

Android App Development in Thrissur, Android Development in Thrissur
ATEES is a renowned IT company in Thrissur providing professional Android app development in Thrissur. In the constantly booming Android market, we are the one-stop solution to diverse Android development in Thrissur. Our professional Android experts utilize a plethora of tools deliver custom-made mobile solutions. Our robust and user-friendly applications can be ported to diverse mobile platforms, making them easily accessible to a wider audience. Our rich experience of working with a diverse client-base and latest technologies enables us to deliver high performance.

Why choose us?android development in thrissur

1. Customer-centric approach:

We understand your requirements thoroughly, and update regularly with the progress of project. Our seamless communication with client is the backbone of our productivity.

2. High-end apps:

Our technically-sound team of experts is proficient in the latest tools and industry standards, and use cutting-edge technology to create power-packed apps.

3. Confidentiality of Client Information:

All our Client data is safe and secure with us, and we offer 100 % transparent service.

4. Value for your business:

Our remarkable apps create the right environment for accelerated and sustainable growth of your business. We study the market scenario and make customised apps that align to your business goals.

We have developed top-notch Android apps for various domains.android app development in thrissur

Some of them are:

  • Food and restaurant apps
  • Multimedia apps
  • E-commerce apps
  • Social media apps
  • Health and lifestyle apps


We focus on delivering beautiful, scalable and user-friendly apps for our honoured clients worldwide. For businesses that wish to create reliable, cost-effective hybrid apps that run on multiple platforms, we are their one-stop solution.



DIGITAL MARKETING- Sell everything in one place “the Internet”

The virtual space is crowded these days. Almost every one of us is here, right inside our smart phones and laptops and other digital media. So it is little wonder that a growing percentage of marketing is done by companies over the internet, since that is where potential buyers show up. Digital marketing is the promotion of products over the internet. It is the quickest way to reach out to maximum number of customers, and the results of marketing can also be analyzed in real time.

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Gone are the days when we had to content ourselves with the limited knowledge of products and services presented through newspapers, TV or the radio. Today we can browse for all the information we need, read the reviews, discuss with the online community, share problems and get solutions, post blogs, shop and post reviews, the scope of the internet is limitless.

There are several activities grouped under digital marketing, such as SEO (Search Engine Optimization), SEM (Search-Engine Marketing), content marketing, e-commerce marketing, social-media marketing etc. All these activities aim at leveraging the products and services of a company in internet searches, as well as in social networking sites, discussion forums and wherever else people generally hang out in the web.

SEO: There is a great deal of competition among companies for grabbing the attention of internet users. SEO practices ensure that the website of a company ranks high in the search results of major search engines like Google, Bing etc, hence increasing web traffic to the site. But this is easier said than done. It involves a lot of research into the common ‘keywords’ people search for, the latest trends in changing needs of the online community, and the nature of competition from other companies. A well-written website that uses all the popular ‘keywords’, and gives the visitors the information they need, will be ranked higher by the search engines, thus making it popular. For example, suppose you wish to create a site for your company that sells health equipment. Searching the database for popular searches might return keywords like “How to lose weight fast”, “How to lose belly fat” etc. You may build your website content around these ‘keywords’, which will be most helpful for your audience. Blogging using keywords also makes interesting read as well as improves your company’s ranking. A well-written blog showcases your in-depth knowledge of the product/service you wish to sell. Another process that can increase your website ranking is back linking, i.e. recommendation from another site. Consider that a popular, well-established site, such as of a company that has been working in the domain of health and fitness for several years, likes your site for its engaging content and relevance to their business, and agrees to recommend it to their visitors by providing a link to your website in their web pages. The search engine automatically takes it that your website should be authoritative, since it has been liked by a website of repute.

seo in thrissur, kerala


SEM: This form of digital marketing uses paid platforms such as Google AdWords to promote a business. Pay-per-click advertising also comes under this.

Social-media marketing: Having a strong presence in social media, with regular updates and announcement of offers, is a great way of attracting attention, and expanding one’s reach through sharing and recommendations. The idea is to create amazing content and work to build a growing group of followers interested in reading and sharing your content. It also means regular updates, sharing information freely and replying to queries, as well as connecting to companies who already have a good online audience and see it as mutually beneficial to connect to you over social media.

Display advertising: Advertisements that appear on the side bar and elsewhere in websites including social networking sites can also grab some web traffic. The key is to create innovative ads that catch the attention of visitors, and prompt them to follow the link to your website.

Direct Email marketing: This involves sending emails to past and potential customers, explaining latest offers or other promotional stuff.

email marketing atees



The scope for digital marketing is endless, and with the advent of better technologies, one needs to continuously update one’s online marketing strategies, or lose out in the race. Customers tend to buy from companies that are ready to devote time for personal interaction, and have a strong online presence. Digital marketing enhances a company’s online image, and facilitates better customer interaction and conversion of enquiries into business.

One Earth, One Community- Connecting everyone through technology

2016 was a year that saw technology on steroids, permeating every nook and corner of our lives. We are enslaved to technology today, because there are so many options to make our lives easier and enriching using gadgets that come for all kinds of purposes.

<>IT Company in Thrissur

While using technology to automate daily chores has its pros and cons, it has become an indispensable evil in our lives. A judicial use of technology, along with creating the time and space every day for unwinding in a tech-free environment, gives us some sort of a balance in life. Without this balance, technology can be a double-edged sword.

Nearly half of the world population is connected to the internet today. Half of these internet users are connected via social media. That is the extent to which internet has encompassed the world population and brought people just a screen away from one another.


Some of the important technology trends the passing year has seen:

1. We are social : Not only individuals but corporate organisations have also joined popular social media sites in a big way,in order to add a more intimate layer to their companies’ persona. With nearly ¼ th of the world population, mostly urban dwellers, plugged into the social network, these social media spots are the most happening places in the virtual world.

2. We are mobile. The mobile has fast replaced a host of gadgets like alarms, calculators, ipods, laptops, TV, GPS systems, etc, and is increasingly becoming the one-stop solution for all our daily tech requirements with each new model rolled out having newer and user-friendly features. One feels literally lost without one’s phone. Apart from saving you from getting lost in a new place, giving you daily reminders that help you organise your schedule, waking you up every morning, serving as a mobile storage for all your work, music etc and your interface for staying connected to facebook, twitter etc, the mobile has also evolved to be an integral part of any business model. Most banking and other security-enabled services are integrated with your mobile to provide maximum security for transactions. Latest apps have highly functional apps for almost every business need, and are designed to make customers’ lives easier.

3. We are on the Cloud: Cloud computing has become the new buzzword. More and more businesses are using the cloud for storing and running applications. Instead of buying storage space to keep our files, music and applications, everything can be stored on the cloud and one pays for the space one uses, thus saving a lot of money. Working on the cloud allows your company to be efficient and cost-effective.

4. We are robot-assisted: Artificial intelligence is touching our lives like never before. Devices that respond to our voice, touch, mood etc are already available. Driverless cars, automated home appliances that respond to voice commands, etc are already underway. Robots are replacing human workers in industries. Ethical considerations apart, AI is sure to be a leading factor changing the shape of the world in 2017.

We are living in a tech-driven world where there are dedicated gadgets to make our lives easier. 2017 will see a definite movement in the direction of more people joining the online community, a major shift in the online global market through advances in digital marketing technologies, and a total change in which companies do business and people make daily choices. Everything will be technology-driven with smarter homes, smarter cars and smarter workspace.

To conclude, 2017 is going to be a year fueled by a burst of new technologies that bring all of us together as one community, connected over the internet 24/7.


Well defined Marketing Strategies with captivating content


Powerful websites along with great layout and designs


SEO friendly website with more traffic & better leads


ATEES has been the leading digital marketing agency in Kerala since 2012. Our efficient services has benefited well-known companies all over the world. We are primarily focussed on providing technologies for Micro, Small & Large businesses.

