Convert visitors into your customers with professionally designed solutions

Every day we buy some kind of stuffs that we need or for others. Shopping is done in different ways. Some may wish to go out for buying things and others rely on online shopping.

Have you ever bought anything through the internet or sold something through it?

Then you have said to be participated in electronic commerce.

Electronic commerce is referred to as the process of buying and selling of products and services online through the medium of internet. It started with the invention of Electronic Data Interchange followed by the evolution of ERP.
E-commerce is not merely related to a shopping site, it is really something more than what that makes you involved in every stream of business.

Why e-commerce is more useful than website development?

  1. The software makes the work simpler and only a few employees are needed to operate the daily activities.
  2. The technology makes the results more accurate and prompt
  3. Better performance with faster operations.
  4. With a single interface, multiple tasks can be accomplished

Stop losing sales with an effective e-commerce solution

‘What you give is what you get’, this is a universal phenomenon. So start your research with knowing yourselves. Think about what all stuff you prefer with your shopping experience including the additional services. We should be aware of the catchy statements that make us buy and also the mode of interactions that can make it happen.

Here are some tips to explode your sales with e-commerce


The secret of getting more sales is to acquire more leads since leads can be converted into customers. But, how could it happen?

The changing demand patterns change the environment and structure of lead conversion. Don’t worry. We can help you.

Before narrating the strategies to be used, let us discuss lead.

What is considered to be a lead?

Lead generation in e-commerce is highly based on the audience we have. First of all, we should know about our customers. The query should include the kind or bundle of clients, where to find them and how they can be attracted. The heterogeneity includes age and gender, education and income, challenges and pain points, information sources and much more.

Start target marketing

Google analytics will help you in knowing the significant details regarding your web traffic. That will include:

1. Ways your visitors usually find your website
2. Links connecting different traffic sources
3. Referral sites that bring traffic to your website
4. Visitors from social networks who finds you

Traffic sources generator tends to generate higher revenue, even then, it cannot be the only metric to rely on.

Enabling the e-commerce tracking in google analytics account can make you know about the rate and revenue in connection with your traffic sources. Then focus your every effort to generate a lead that can be converted into customers.

Now let us go through the strategies for lead generation


1. Create a list of Email – Email marketing is an effective and simple way for lead generation. It is free of cost up to a plethora of customers to get connected with. Always keep a constant contact with them to ensure proper lead generation. d generation. It is the easiest way to communicate with the prospective customers.

<>erp development in thrissur

2. Make use of lead magnet– A lead magnet can be an assistant in showing how to get more from customers. One which is easy to understand and the best problem solver should be subscribed.

3. Simple but effective tactics – What online shoppers generally expect from us is discounts. More than half the percentage of the audience look for special coupons to buy. Try to attract them with pop up coupons.

4. Offer time-sensitive deals – It will be more appealing if we could make an offer during a festive season or on any other celebrations or special occasions. Make a sense of urgency or fear for losing something which is considered to be a golden chance.

5. Use SEO services to find help – Find out the right search terms and keywords to optimize your site. Make content in a shareable format. Then we may get more reach than expected.

6. Retain your audience – Nurture e-commerce with live chat, campaigns and mobile App conversions. You can make use of anything which will help to retain your existing customers. And also turn your social audience into your clients.

Hope these ideas will help you in succeeding lead generation.


In this era of instantaneous technological evolution, the global world of marketing is having many changes. Digital marketing has now become an important element in order to cope up with the ever changing environment and trends of business in every streams.

With that being in hand, Atees Infomedia, digital marketing company in Thrissur have started their expedition as a global software solution provider of most economical software solutions customised to the demand of individuals and businesses of all size. They are beyond the mere service provider with unique services. Their services include web application, website development and digital marketing.

Let us go through their working environment and the way they serve their clientele.

Working environment plays a great role in building productive employees. No one will be capable of exhibiting their best in a stressful environment. A day in the life of an employee is positively or negatively moulded by the structure of the office.

Our first impression always lasts forever. The structure and appearance of a company’s official building will mark an impression on their clients and applicants coming there for the first time. Fortunately, Atees, website designing company in Kerala have an appealing office space with innovative interior ideas that makes their employees parted from a stressful job environment.

It is very clear from the way they have maintained their work space that the employees at Atees will have a great deal of interesting time to work there. The main source of creativity is an interesting workspace with positive vibes that could boost the employees to motivate themselves. A thriving company should be composed of productive employees for that an ideal environment is enough.

What does they do in their day to day work?


A prevailing misconception about digital marketing is, they are considered as a one and done work. That means a mere task to optimise the website with effective contents and clean up the bugs to make it more viewing and engaging. But in reality, it is much beyond that. SEO focused audit is the core task among their work routines.

They always traverse through these questions :

*What traffic we could get from the online platform?
*What is missing with us and how could we cope up with that?
*What have been broken and what makes us weaken?

And the key solution will be on finding tactical trenches for resolving the same. A single person could not make it done. An entire team of digital marketing team should be working on the same to achieve the best result.

Atees, one among the best digital marketing companies in Kerala is bestowed with energetic and creative digital marketing team to serve a prompt and dynamic work. From the very fine morning they starts to monitor the social media, websites and other platforms in promoting their clients and they have to give unique service to their each customers.

All their works are focused on a single universe; The king- Customer. The customer universe includes a variety of personas. They have to reach all these customers over and over. They develop, launch and promote work that supports their clientele. It could be a content piece, infographics, video content or a combination of all these.


Employees at Atees, SEO company in Kerala shows a learning curve which can skyrocket when an innovative idea is drawn. Their employee network is filled with the most dedicated and creative team. They are having an exciting time and we may get shocked with their work culture. For them it is not an office which requires a technical or materialistic work.

But they are having a passionate deal of time and they says they are not just working or doing their assignments, but they are getting a platform to showcase their creativity at Atees, the provider of digital marketing services in Thrissur.

It is really fascinating that they are able to tackle the needs of their customers which is significantly large in number. No matter the size or financial capacity of the company, Digital marketing team along with developers and designers are the best resource in making everything alive. They are the one who develops a rocking and rolling website.

It is a fact that if we love our work or we are passionate about our work, we can yield the best results. This is the secret behind the very successful organisation, Atees, who is the one stop solution for web design and development in Thrissur. This is how they are capable of serving their clients with the most efficient solution than a mere satisfaction.

Services at Atees

Their services includes ERP Consultancy, Website Development, Web Application, UI and Web Designing, Digital Marketing and Ecommerce Development.

1. Web design and development – They are engaged in website development and designing. Only a website which is well designed can attract users and thereby helps in lead generation.

2. ERP Software – Enterprise resource planning is an application that helps in integrating the every strands of business processes into a single head. Atees offers tailor made ERP package to their clients. They are considered to be the best erp development company in Thrissur. An effective ERP solution can make a business capable of integrating every team and departments for an integrated service.

3. Software Engineering – Atees provides their client with the facility in re-engineering their business software, without interrupting the daily business operations. They are considered to be the premier software company in Thrissur.

4. Offshore development – They are able to implement projects from all parts of the world promptly. They are equipped with experienced professionals to meet the requirements of their international clients. Being a global software provider they have the most advanced and standard services to serve their clients.

5. Mobile application development – They develop user friendly and powerful app which suits Android, IOS and Windows mobile. Atees is capable of ensuring the best business out of their services. They are the one stop solution for your mobile app development in Thrissur. In this hectic world, most people are engaged with mobile devices. Mobile applications have started replacing everything. So most companies are in demand for an effective and efficient application.

6. Ecommerce website development – They helps in expanding the business traditions by building online store. It will be an ideal e-commerce website for online selling requirements.

7. Digital Marketing – They render local, national and global digital marketing services that could be capable of satisfying every needs of their clients.


Why their clients are loyal?

Atees is well mannered in serving their clients with the most advanced services in design development, marketing and in case of technological applications. Unmatchable expertise in delivering the results is their best part in services.

They follow a highly professional pattern in every footsteps and they are also highly involved in the enhancement of their employees at workplace and in their personal life with a good career.

To recapitulate a well structured digital marketing company can serve their clients with the best of the industry in promoting their services. Proper planning and organising is only needed for attaining the same. Dedication and commitment have also a great role in inculcating a perfect work environment and it can create an ideal service provider.

Seo services in Thrissur
Blogging as a marketing tool ; tips to make your blog popular

Seo services in Thrissur

Are you interested in blogging? May be your travel itinerary, latest fashion, promotion for your services or your personal experiences. Anything and everything can be made to a blog. Build your brand with the hobby of blogging.

What is blogging?

Blogging is a creative art of adding new materials regularly to update a blog. Today blogging is common because it allows people to interact with each other. Blogging has also become a popular search engine optimization (SEO) tool, since search engines like Google and Yahoo know that a blog is frequently updated with recent content or visitor comments.

How to start a blog?
  1. Choose your blogging platform and domain – A blogging platform is a service or application that avails the creation of web pages for publishing your own content. These content management systems are in the forms of website builders like Wix, blogging applications like WordPress, or simplified blogging software like Tumblr and many more.

  2. Prepare the content – You have to plan and organize your content and enhance your writing skills with creativity. Ask yourself the strategies you should use to get your blog noticed.

  3. Design your blog using a simple theme – You can make use of available themes if you are not aware about coding. Several tools are available to design a theme in your own style and creativity.

  4. Modify your blog to define your style – Our blog should be up-to-date and only then it can appeal the audience. Uniqueness in your blog can make it extraordinary.

  5. Select the best plugins for your blog – To extend functionality or add features to your page you may use plugins which can be easily installed.

  6. Write compelling content, start blogging – Once you are done with your blog, diversify you skills in writing.

Why blogging is so popular?

Blogging is popular because it works as a tool for effective marketing and helps to make money. It a source of getting fame in the world of online income. … Blogging needs a great deal of time to get efficient in the stream of creativity. For blogs to be searched by the maximum number of audience. It should be effective at SEO needs to be updated regularly.

Benefits of blogging

With the constant advancements in the current technologies, it is becoming increasingly important even for small businesses to develop an emphasised web presence. While having a highly optimised website, it will become an essential component in the development of a comprehensive online marketing and branding strategy of the service provider. The competitive nature of the global economy demands that businesses should go further with essential profits. One of the most effective ways to build brand awareness, while providing relevant and useful content to your target audience is through consistent and creative blogging.

  1. Exceptional Boost To Search Engine Optimisation – Every major search engines are in favour for fresh, relevant content and blogging is one of the most straightforward and inexpensive methods for offering this kind of contents. When a business frequently creates blog posts, they are actually working to provide Google, Bing, Yahoo and the others with fresh content to index. This is also an opportunity for businesses to insert those relevant keywords that their prospective customers will use to search for the types of services or products that the business offers. And you can become the best Seo services in Thrissur.

  2. Develop And Strengthen Relationships With Existing And New Customers – Customer engagement is an important factor of online marketing and branding strategy. Blogging provides the gateway for you to connect with your existing and potential customers. Blogging is an ideal way to build trust with your target audience through high quality content that they find the most relevant among different alternatives. With an active comment section, it will become a responsive page and you will also be able to follow the visitors’ responses to your posts, and you will be able to respond directly to their reviews and feedback, which is very important in building trust and relationships.

  3. Establish Your Business As An Industry Leader -Whether you have a small business, blogging is a good way for your business to build trust and establish fame in your industry by providing content that will be viewed as a superior information. In time, posting blogs that are helpful and informative on a regular basis can make you the frequently searched resource in your particular niche within the industry, subsequently increasing return.

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<>Seo services in Thrissur

Are you still having problem on creating a blog?

We, ATEES Infomedia, web designing company in thrissur is here to help you to make your blog feels good and creative. Invest your valuable time and money with us. We care for your ultimate needs. We provide you with the best seo services in Kerala. ATEES, digital marketing company in thrissur is blessed with highly professional teams to execute the very needs of our clients.

Have a quick-look at our services designed and developed for clients
  • ERP Consultancy
    ATEES the best erp development company in Thrissur listen to the requirements of your business and designs an ERP package that suits your specific needs. With an effective ERP in place, most of the works involved like inventory management, HR, accounting etc can be computerized, making you free to focus on the core business operations and also allowing you to analyse data in real time environment to make well-informed solutions.

  • Website Development
    Website designing in Kerala is facing a high rate of competition.Our award-winning website development services are always appraised by businesses world-wide. Our professionals recognize the value of developing websites that connect to the customer everywhere. We use innovative ideas to make your website more productive, engaging audience and reliable.

  • Web Application
    Every prospective business requires web application development solutions to speed up their different processes and increase profits. We, the renowned web development company in Thrissur provide customized solutions that can grow your operational efficiency and provide better client engagement.

  • UI & Web Design
    We have rich experience in web design and hosting in thrissur in creating responsive websites that stand out amongst other competitor sites. We build interactive and user friendly websites that always tries to retain visitors’ interest and convert every leads into sales. The design and content of a website speaks volumes about the company culture. A well-designed website should be easy to navigate and contain all the necessary information in a clear and strict format in the right location. With our professional services, you can make the right impact with a powerful and efficient website.

  • Digital Marketing
    A powerful digital marketing strategy is a must used factor for any growing business and it has to be constantly adapted to the ever changing online market scenario. Digital marketing enhances the company’s reach with the mere use of internet. Our team, the best among digital marketing companies in Thrissur can understands your business needs and develops innovative digital marketing strategies that can drive greater web traffic on your way.

  • E-commerce Development
    We provide the best ecommerce websites development in Thrissur to our clients to create the optimal e-commerce experience that instantly converts visitors into buyers. Our innovative and reliable e-commerce platforms are easy to manage and make online shopping an easy task for the customers.

  • For all these services we are here to help you with the most satisfying results.

    Seo services in Thrissur

SEO Company in thrissur
Thinking about a perfect marketing partner?

Ask these pinnacle questions to your potential web designer

SEO Company in thrissur

Our marketing strategy should constantly evolve alongside the audience we attempt to reach. We should be at the cutting-edge of appealing our clientele, everything else falls by the wayside. With how easily accessible internet is today, the number of people who go online every day is quite expanding on a regular basis. Marketing has always been about connecting with your customers in the proper place and at the proper time. That means you need to reach them where they are spending all their time; conveniently on the internet. Here comes the importance of your captivating website.

<>SEO Company in thrissur

Web designers impart a soul to the website and web designing is the process of creating the entire look of a website. It incorporates several aspects like content production, web page layout, and graphic design. They have the freedom to determine everything about a website right from the content to the way it looks and works.

It is basically a process of ordering and conceptualizing the colour, layout, text styles, graphics, images, content, and salient features of a company. Other than companies, web designing also helps artists or individuals who want to promote their work. Nowadays setting up a website for companies has become a major trend. The readers find this method more easy to know about the services they need. Designing your website might be an ongoing nightmare.

Whether having a brand new website designed for the first time or redesigning an existing one, the hiring decision you make will dictate your website success. Once you do your due diligence, the answer will become more clear as to which website design firm to entrust the success of your budding business strategy to with this all-important website design project. The process of designing your new company website could be an absolute dream come true project. Whom you opt to help along the way and build your site for you will make all the difference to both the end product, and how much you enjoy the site build process.

I’m here to aid you all educated, to ensure you’re set to pick out the perfect designer who will get you website-launched and having a blast along the way!

I have some top smart questions you should ask your potential designer :

1. What resources do you furnish?

Apart from web designing many web design companies offer web development, hosting, copywriting, e-commerce solutions, and digital marketing services such as social media, SEO, or PPC management to their clients on a customised package. It is very common to assume all of these services are related or do the same, but in fact, they are very different services requiring very different skill sets.

SEO Company in thrissur

2. Do you customize your works or rely on templates?

For establishing a strong brand unique designs are essentials. So always go for creative designers who are eager to develop something new every time. Also check whether they provide them at affordable rates and always opt the alternative which saves money.

3. Can you provide some samples of your designs?

We should notice the performance of their sites, whether they are appealing or easy to get noticed. Everyone in the world differs in their style and attitude. So while picking your designer, be sure that their portfolio fits your style and vibe.

4. Do you have case studies to show the progress you made for your client’s websites?

Case studies can provide specific results, such as increased online sales by a certain percentage, increased leads by a certain amount, or boosted conversion rate by a certain percentage in a specific time period.

5. How will you manage my project?

Ask them about the organisational structure they will keep in developing and maintaining your websites and details regarding the mode of communication they provide with on consulting and reporting. The important thing to be informed is about the project management system.

6. Do you outsource any work?

Sometimes the web designing firm may have all the expertise needed to work on your project or otherwise they will be outsourced. You should know about the quality of work they assure to meet on your project.

7. How long will be taken to complete each process?

They should provide you with the tenure of the project and time they will take to do each task in web designing and development. And also ask them about the amount of input they offer. It is also worth discussing what happens if they don’t meet their target date.

8. Will you apply SEO on my website?

Search Engine optimization is related to the visibility of the website. For bringing our website among the top searches, SEO should be applied and make sure they work in this manner.

9. Do you offer e-commerce facility?

Along with web design and development, some firms may offer e-commerce services for businesses conducting online sales.

SEO Company in thrissur

10.Which web standards are you following?

Web standards are the formal standards and other technical specifications that define and describe aspects of the World Wide Web in designing and development of a website and their use.

11. Can I see the website during its progress in development and will you allow to participate in the same?

Web design firms may make your in-progress website available for viewing during each phase of designing so you can make suggestions, changes, or direct them and can also review the input process.

12.What should I supply for the website?

Professional designers always deny vague details, so ask them about what kind of informations you should provide them to make the development more productive.

If you feel somehow parted with all the stress and pressure you are going through I can also give you a suggestion for your new marketing partner: ATEES Infomedia Pvt Ltd the most recommended Digital marketing company in Thrissur.

ATEES, software company in Thrissur provides cost- effective solutions tailored to meet the unique requirements of individuals, organizations and businesses of all size and they are considered to be the best SEO Company in Thrissur . Their branches are spread across the United Kingdom, the United Arab Emirates and India. They have a unique team of exceptionally skilled designers, programmers, and marketers who keep close tabs on the market to ensure that you are getting the industry best solutions. ATEES, a pioneer Web designing company in Thrissur assures project delivery on time. Their main services include – ERP Consultancy, Website Development, Web Application, UI & Web Designing, Digital Marketing and E-commerce Development. They are the well versed erp development company in Thrissur and provides the best digital marketing services in Thrissur.

SEO Company in thrissur

Why I am suggesting ATEES?

ATEES, Web design company in Thrissur,offers designs and marketing tips as well as techniques for handling customers using standards met by the W3C standards. Unmatchable expertise is delivered to all clients on agreement. Talent and commitment with the trust client can rely on decides business proposals for all at ATEES, Ecommerce websites development company in Thrissur. They also integrate professionalism with personality enhancement sessions for all employees without being biased. Their organisation structure is bonded with trust and faith in each. They create designs for improving sites performance and makes it error free.

All set, now you may compare different alternative designers to conceive your budding marketing plan. Wish you a very success in your future plans and may you get connected with the best web designers. Hope my suggestions gave you an informative and trustable opinion.

openerp in kerala
How to use Odoo in a Smart way

Odoo besets sales and project management in a single tool. It is fortified with a variety of functions to deliver a universal solution that can help all types of operations. Basically, Odoo is cloud-based and is suited mainly for small to mid-sized companies. Openerp in Kerala proffers a choice of over thousand modules. With more than thousands of downloads and installations, Odoo open ERP in Kerala is one of the most used open source solutions in the world. It can rapidly put in production and is easy to use. This system involves 300 new apps per month. Because of this reason, the system has over 2,000,000 users at an instant, being available in 23 languages, by covering almost all geographies around the world.

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Why we go for Odoo..?

Odoo is a universal solution. It can replace multiple applications you’re using to manage your sales process. One who is aware of the function of Odoo might think it as a complex one, but truly speaking it delivers one of the most streamlined, easy-to-manage interfaces. It also offers remarkable support and community back-up to ensure that there won’t be any problem while using it. Odoo lowers the total cost of ownership, the fact is that open ERP Kerala system also does the similar thing. But in case of Odoo, a neoteric, interspersed and systematically updated tool replaces your BPM apps from day one. As Odoo is getting its fame all over Kerala, Odoo Developer in Kerala is increasing. Odoo provides a strong consolidation strategy. It enables companies to amalgamate their business processes easily and effectively. It is customizable. You can get a free start in Odoo for test use.

openerp in kerala

Have an overview of Odoo features..

  • Website Edition
  • Accounting
  • CRM
  • MRP
  • E-Commerce
  • e-Signature
  • Marketing
  • Inventory, project, sales, leave Management
  • Point of sale
  • Automated stock update, Calendar, invoicing
  • Time Sheets
  • Reporting
  • Efficient Integrations
  • Customer support
  • In Odoo all tasks are performed by creating modules. Modules customize the behavior of an Odoo installation by altering the existing ones or by adding new behaviors. Odoo bundles a module for building websites. Many web designing companies in Kerala prefer Odoo.
    Odoo is an integrated business software with different functions but interlinked all under one system. As always accounting is the core of the business management. Odoo accounting does its work accurately and correctly.

    Undoubtedly an Odoo E-commerce can turn into a huge website in no time. Odoo maintains a high-quality standard in our practices and also are able to deliver top-quality products at a minimum cost. Because of its features, E-commerce websites development in Kerala had a massive increase.
    The CRM software empowers you to scrutinize what leads did in the past so that you can provide the right products and services in the future. With the help of CRM, you can manage and schedule meetings with the client with a single click on the button.

    Odoo MRP allows an average manufacturer to synchronously use around 10 or more different applications for running their business. Although these apps have a high level of complexity involved in terms of workflows and integration, Odoo MRP would run ceaselessly. It harmonizeBoMs, OEE, MPS, Work Center Tablets, Schedulers, PLM, Quality Management, Maintenance and several other features.

    Why Odoo is squirming progressively..?

    openerp in kerala

    As it is an open source it does not have any restrictive charge and any rehashing cost. It is one of the best open ERP in Kerala. All sort of custom design can be done in Odoo, it is flexible. Multiple numbers of customers can incorporate in Odoo. 14000+ moment applications can be assessed from Odoo applications store. Like Toyota, Hyundai, PCI 3+ million people are building their business using Odoo. It is user-friendly, updated with technology, highly modular, can be easily fused with third-party organizations like SMS, social media etc, and has less implementation cost and less execution time frame.

    odoo development in thrissur
    What is Odoo, Its Uses and Benefits

    Odoo is an Open ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software which helps in managing the entire software suite with ease which forms the groundwork of any company. With the help of Open ERP softwares we can view and control all the business necessity of a company like human resources, accounting, sales, finance, inventory, procurement etc.
    Main components of the term includes the Customer Relationship Management, Supply Chain Management, Project Resource Management, Human Resource Management and Finance Resource Management. Due to growing popularity of this platform, it has become the backbone of any business and there is a huge demand for ODOO development in Thrissur. With thousands of downloads per day, around 4000 Odoo apps are being used all over the world in the present scenario.

    <>odoo development in thrissur

    Why Open ERP in Thrissur?

    odoo development in thrissur


    Advanced Technology:
    With abrupt rise in this technology, Odoo is always prefered for its uncomplicated service it provides and it can always adapt to the current market trend.

    Cost Effective:
    One of the main reason why we use Open ERP is that it lowers the maintenance and running cost of the software. It automates all the process and it tears the twist of the user.

    Free Of Cost:
    You can always download the software online for free and also Odoo software licenses are free when compared to other ERP platforms. This features allows users to give excessive priority for the software.

    Easy to Customize:
    It is always easy for the user to customize the subject of the at anytime anywhere at faster rate which leads to the efficiency of the business needs and its time effective too.

    Odoo possess a modular structure and works with few uncomplicated modules as working with it lead to an integrated solution. Moreover it can also be changed according to the requirement of the team.

    Updated Technology:
    You will never miss a single update for this software as it will always kept updated with its latest design, technology and features which fulfils the requirement of the user.

    ATEES Infomedia Pvt Ltd. is an ERP development company in Thrissur and one of the best Open ERP in Kerala which aims at automating the processes and integrating it to meet the needs of business. We are one of the leading company providing ODOO development in Thrissur and helps in amalgamation of core business processes in a faster way moulding the way to services we provide.


    Well defined Marketing Strategies with captivating content


    Powerful websites along with great layout and designs


    SEO friendly website with more traffic & better leads


    ATEES has been the leading digital marketing agency in Kerala since 2012. Our efficient services has benefited well-known companies all over the world. We are primarily focussed on providing technologies for Micro, Small & Large businesses.

