Building a Strong Brand Identity Online
As the online landscape evolves, businesses must adapt to maintain a consistent and compelling brand presence across various channels. Voice search technology, for instance, has emerged as a significant game-changer, altering user behavior and search engine algorithms alike. Ensuring that your brand’s messaging and values are effectively conveyed through voice search queries is crucial for reinforcing brand identity in this rapidly evolving digital environment. Companies need to optimize their content to align with conversational queries while staying true to their brand’s tone and values, thereby solidifying their brand identity in the minds of consumers.   Moreover, the proliferation of social media platforms has opened up new avenues for brand expression and engagement. However, this abundance of channels also presents a challenge: maintaining brand consistency across diverse platforms. Whether it’s Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or emerging platforms like TikTok, each channel offers unique opportunities to connect with audiences. Crafting content that resonates with users while staying faithful to the brand’s identity requires a strategic approach. By tailoring content formats and messaging to suit each platform while maintaining a cohesive brand narrative, businesses can effectively leverage social media to strengthen their brand identity and foster meaningful connections with their target audience. Branding Agency in Thrissur  

Storytelling for Brand Building

  In the digital age, brand building has transcended mere product promotion; it’s about crafting narratives that resonate with audiences on a personal level. Storytelling, in particular, has emerged as a powerful tool for brand building in the digital sphere. Through compelling narratives that evoke emotion and empathy, brands can forge deeper connections with their target demographics, fostering loyalty and advocacy. Whether it’s through blog posts, social media content, or multimedia campaigns, storytelling serves as a vehicle for conveying a brand’s values, mission, and personality, thereby solidifying its identity in the hearts and minds of consumers.   At the heart of successful brand building lies the concept of brand identity—the cohesive set of visual, verbal, and experiential elements that define a brand’s essence and differentiate it from competitors. In this digital era, maintaining a strong brand identity is essential for standing out amidst the noise and clutter of online platforms. Consistency is key, from the logo and color palette to the messaging and user experience. By ensuring that every touchpoint reflects the brand’s personality and values, digital marketers can reinforce brand identity and instill trust and recognition in their audience. However, brand identity isn’t static; it evolves in response to market trends, consumer preferences, and cultural shifts. Digital marketers must be attuned to these changes and adapt their strategies accordingly to keep their brands relevant and resonant. This might involve refreshing visual branding elements, updating messaging to align with shifting consumer sentiments or embracing new technologies and platforms to reach audiences where they are most active. By staying agile and responsive, brands can continue to nurture and strengthen their identity in the ever-evolving digital landscape.   In addition to storytelling and maintaining consistency, actively engaging with the audience plays a pivotal role in brand building and reinforcing brand identity online. Interacting with customers through social media comments, responding to inquiries promptly, and soliciting feedback not only fosters a sense of community but also humanizes the brand. By demonstrating authenticity and transparency in these interactions, brands can further solidify their identity as trustworthy and customer-centric, fostering long-term loyalty and advocacy among their audience.  

User-Generated Content and Community Building

  User-generated content (UGC) has become a cornerstone of brand-building strategies in the digital landscape, offering a powerful means of engaging with audiences while enhancing brand image. By encouraging customers to share their experiences, opinions, and creative interpretations of the brand, companies can tap into the authentic voices of their audience, fostering a sense of community and belonging. UGC not only provides social proof of the brand’s value and credibility but also serves as a valuable source of insights for refining brand messaging and offerings. Through strategic curation and amplification of user-generated content across digital channels, brands can enrich their brand identity and cultivate a positive brand image that resonates with their target demographic.   Effective community building is essential for leveraging user-generated content and nurturing brand identity online. Brands can create dedicated spaces for their community to connect, share, and collaborate, such as branded hashtags, online forums, or user communities on social media platforms. By fostering meaningful interactions and facilitating user-generated content creation within these communities, brands can strengthen their brand identity while empowering their audience to become brand advocates. Additionally, actively engaging with user-generated content through likes, comments, and shares not only acknowledges and appreciates the contributions of the community but also encourages ongoing participation, further enhancing brand image and affinity in the digital realm.   Working with a seasoned expert can help you navigate the complex world of digital marketing and uncover success. ATEES Global is a shining example of expertise, providing a wide range of services designed to improve brand development initiatives. ATEES Global offers an array of knowledge and creative solutions, along with a strong grasp of market dynamics and an unshakable dedication to customer success. With the help of ATEES Global, brands can create memorable campaigns and leverage the power of user-generated content to establish a powerful online presence. ATEES Global helps organizations establish their identity and prosper in the dynamic digital market by utilizing innovative techniques and cultivating deep connections with audiences.
Seo services in Thrissur
Blogging as a marketing tool ; tips to make your blog popular

Seo services in Thrissur

Are you interested in blogging? May be your travel itinerary, latest fashion, promotion for your services or your personal experiences. Anything and everything can be made to a blog. Build your brand with the hobby of blogging.

What is blogging?

Blogging is a creative art of adding new materials regularly to update a blog. Today blogging is common because it allows people to interact with each other. Blogging has also become a popular search engine optimization (SEO) tool, since search engines like Google and Yahoo know that a blog is frequently updated with recent content or visitor comments.

How to start a blog?
  1. Choose your blogging platform and domain – A blogging platform is a service or application that avails the creation of web pages for publishing your own content. These content management systems are in the forms of website builders like Wix, blogging applications like WordPress, or simplified blogging software like Tumblr and many more.

  2. Prepare the content – You have to plan and organize your content and enhance your writing skills with creativity. Ask yourself the strategies you should use to get your blog noticed.

  3. Design your blog using a simple theme – You can make use of available themes if you are not aware about coding. Several tools are available to design a theme in your own style and creativity.

  4. Modify your blog to define your style – Our blog should be up-to-date and only then it can appeal the audience. Uniqueness in your blog can make it extraordinary.

  5. Select the best plugins for your blog – To extend functionality or add features to your page you may use plugins which can be easily installed.

  6. Write compelling content, start blogging – Once you are done with your blog, diversify you skills in writing.

Why blogging is so popular?

Blogging is popular because it works as a tool for effective marketing and helps to make money. It a source of getting fame in the world of online income. … Blogging needs a great deal of time to get efficient in the stream of creativity. For blogs to be searched by the maximum number of audience. It should be effective at SEO needs to be updated regularly.

Benefits of blogging

With the constant advancements in the current technologies, it is becoming increasingly important even for small businesses to develop an emphasised web presence. While having a highly optimised website, it will become an essential component in the development of a comprehensive online marketing and branding strategy of the service provider. The competitive nature of the global economy demands that businesses should go further with essential profits. One of the most effective ways to build brand awareness, while providing relevant and useful content to your target audience is through consistent and creative blogging.

  1. Exceptional Boost To Search Engine Optimisation – Every major search engines are in favour for fresh, relevant content and blogging is one of the most straightforward and inexpensive methods for offering this kind of contents. When a business frequently creates blog posts, they are actually working to provide Google, Bing, Yahoo and the others with fresh content to index. This is also an opportunity for businesses to insert those relevant keywords that their prospective customers will use to search for the types of services or products that the business offers. And you can become the best Seo services in Thrissur.

  2. Develop And Strengthen Relationships With Existing And New Customers – Customer engagement is an important factor of online marketing and branding strategy. Blogging provides the gateway for you to connect with your existing and potential customers. Blogging is an ideal way to build trust with your target audience through high quality content that they find the most relevant among different alternatives. With an active comment section, it will become a responsive page and you will also be able to follow the visitors’ responses to your posts, and you will be able to respond directly to their reviews and feedback, which is very important in building trust and relationships.

  3. Establish Your Business As An Industry Leader -Whether you have a small business, blogging is a good way for your business to build trust and establish fame in your industry by providing content that will be viewed as a superior information. In time, posting blogs that are helpful and informative on a regular basis can make you the frequently searched resource in your particular niche within the industry, subsequently increasing return.

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Are you still having problem on creating a blog?

We, ATEES Infomedia, web designing company in thrissur is here to help you to make your blog feels good and creative. Invest your valuable time and money with us. We care for your ultimate needs. We provide you with the best seo services in Kerala. ATEES, digital marketing company in thrissur is blessed with highly professional teams to execute the very needs of our clients.

Have a quick-look at our services designed and developed for clients
  • ERP Consultancy
    ATEES the best erp development company in Thrissur listen to the requirements of your business and designs an ERP package that suits your specific needs. With an effective ERP in place, most of the works involved like inventory management, HR, accounting etc can be computerized, making you free to focus on the core business operations and also allowing you to analyse data in real time environment to make well-informed solutions.

  • Website Development
    Website designing in Kerala is facing a high rate of competition.Our award-winning website development services are always appraised by businesses world-wide. Our professionals recognize the value of developing websites that connect to the customer everywhere. We use innovative ideas to make your website more productive, engaging audience and reliable.

  • Web Application
    Every prospective business requires web application development solutions to speed up their different processes and increase profits. We, the renowned web development company in Thrissur provide customized solutions that can grow your operational efficiency and provide better client engagement.

  • UI & Web Design
    We have rich experience in web design and hosting in thrissur in creating responsive websites that stand out amongst other competitor sites. We build interactive and user friendly websites that always tries to retain visitors’ interest and convert every leads into sales. The design and content of a website speaks volumes about the company culture. A well-designed website should be easy to navigate and contain all the necessary information in a clear and strict format in the right location. With our professional services, you can make the right impact with a powerful and efficient website.

  • Digital Marketing
    A powerful digital marketing strategy is a must used factor for any growing business and it has to be constantly adapted to the ever changing online market scenario. Digital marketing enhances the company’s reach with the mere use of internet. Our team, the best among digital marketing companies in Thrissur can understands your business needs and develops innovative digital marketing strategies that can drive greater web traffic on your way.

  • E-commerce Development
    We provide the best ecommerce websites development in Thrissur to our clients to create the optimal e-commerce experience that instantly converts visitors into buyers. Our innovative and reliable e-commerce platforms are easy to manage and make online shopping an easy task for the customers.

  • For all these services we are here to help you with the most satisfying results.

    Seo services in Thrissur

SEO Company in thrissur
Thinking about a perfect marketing partner?

Ask these pinnacle questions to your potential web designer

SEO Company in thrissur

Our marketing strategy should constantly evolve alongside the audience we attempt to reach. We should be at the cutting-edge of appealing our clientele, everything else falls by the wayside. With how easily accessible internet is today, the number of people who go online every day is quite expanding on a regular basis. Marketing has always been about connecting with your customers in the proper place and at the proper time. That means you need to reach them where they are spending all their time; conveniently on the internet. Here comes the importance of your captivating website.

<>SEO Company in thrissur

Web designers impart a soul to the website and web designing is the process of creating the entire look of a website. It incorporates several aspects like content production, web page layout, and graphic design. They have the freedom to determine everything about a website right from the content to the way it looks and works.

It is basically a process of ordering and conceptualizing the colour, layout, text styles, graphics, images, content, and salient features of a company. Other than companies, web designing also helps artists or individuals who want to promote their work. Nowadays setting up a website for companies has become a major trend. The readers find this method more easy to know about the services they need. Designing your website might be an ongoing nightmare.

Whether having a brand new website designed for the first time or redesigning an existing one, the hiring decision you make will dictate your website success. Once you do your due diligence, the answer will become more clear as to which website design firm to entrust the success of your budding business strategy to with this all-important website design project. The process of designing your new company website could be an absolute dream come true project. Whom you opt to help along the way and build your site for you will make all the difference to both the end product, and how much you enjoy the site build process.

I’m here to aid you all educated, to ensure you’re set to pick out the perfect designer who will get you website-launched and having a blast along the way!

I have some top smart questions you should ask your potential designer :

1. What resources do you furnish?

Apart from web designing many web design companies offer web development, hosting, copywriting, e-commerce solutions, and digital marketing services such as social media, SEO, or PPC management to their clients on a customised package. It is very common to assume all of these services are related or do the same, but in fact, they are very different services requiring very different skill sets.

SEO Company in thrissur

2. Do you customize your works or rely on templates?

For establishing a strong brand unique designs are essentials. So always go for creative designers who are eager to develop something new every time. Also check whether they provide them at affordable rates and always opt the alternative which saves money.

3. Can you provide some samples of your designs?

We should notice the performance of their sites, whether they are appealing or easy to get noticed. Everyone in the world differs in their style and attitude. So while picking your designer, be sure that their portfolio fits your style and vibe.

4. Do you have case studies to show the progress you made for your client’s websites?

Case studies can provide specific results, such as increased online sales by a certain percentage, increased leads by a certain amount, or boosted conversion rate by a certain percentage in a specific time period.

5. How will you manage my project?

Ask them about the organisational structure they will keep in developing and maintaining your websites and details regarding the mode of communication they provide with on consulting and reporting. The important thing to be informed is about the project management system.

6. Do you outsource any work?

Sometimes the web designing firm may have all the expertise needed to work on your project or otherwise they will be outsourced. You should know about the quality of work they assure to meet on your project.

7. How long will be taken to complete each process?

They should provide you with the tenure of the project and time they will take to do each task in web designing and development. And also ask them about the amount of input they offer. It is also worth discussing what happens if they don’t meet their target date.

8. Will you apply SEO on my website?

Search Engine optimization is related to the visibility of the website. For bringing our website among the top searches, SEO should be applied and make sure they work in this manner.

9. Do you offer e-commerce facility?

Along with web design and development, some firms may offer e-commerce services for businesses conducting online sales.

SEO Company in thrissur

10.Which web standards are you following?

Web standards are the formal standards and other technical specifications that define and describe aspects of the World Wide Web in designing and development of a website and their use.

11. Can I see the website during its progress in development and will you allow to participate in the same?

Web design firms may make your in-progress website available for viewing during each phase of designing so you can make suggestions, changes, or direct them and can also review the input process.

12.What should I supply for the website?

Professional designers always deny vague details, so ask them about what kind of informations you should provide them to make the development more productive.

If you feel somehow parted with all the stress and pressure you are going through I can also give you a suggestion for your new marketing partner: ATEES Infomedia Pvt Ltd the most recommended Digital marketing company in Thrissur.

ATEES, software company in Thrissur provides cost- effective solutions tailored to meet the unique requirements of individuals, organizations and businesses of all size and they are considered to be the best SEO Company in Thrissur . Their branches are spread across the United Kingdom, the United Arab Emirates and India. They have a unique team of exceptionally skilled designers, programmers, and marketers who keep close tabs on the market to ensure that you are getting the industry best solutions. ATEES, a pioneer Web designing company in Thrissur assures project delivery on time. Their main services include – ERP Consultancy, Website Development, Web Application, UI & Web Designing, Digital Marketing and E-commerce Development. They are the well versed erp development company in Thrissur and provides the best digital marketing services in Thrissur.

SEO Company in thrissur

Why I am suggesting ATEES?

ATEES, Web design company in Thrissur,offers designs and marketing tips as well as techniques for handling customers using standards met by the W3C standards. Unmatchable expertise is delivered to all clients on agreement. Talent and commitment with the trust client can rely on decides business proposals for all at ATEES, Ecommerce websites development company in Thrissur. They also integrate professionalism with personality enhancement sessions for all employees without being biased. Their organisation structure is bonded with trust and faith in each. They create designs for improving sites performance and makes it error free.

All set, now you may compare different alternative designers to conceive your budding marketing plan. Wish you a very success in your future plans and may you get connected with the best web designers. Hope my suggestions gave you an informative and trustable opinion.

Advanced Search Engine Optimisation Techniques


SEO companies in Kerala have become a widely accepted online marketing system because of its significance in customer handling and cost-effectiveness. The benefits of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) are vast in number, which is attained through unique and significant features. The online marketing landscape has changed dramatically over the past few years, but SEO services still remains a fruitful and important marketing strategy.

Increased traffic is the main benefit belongs to SEO services, which helps to attain maximum output from each marketing field. The SEO services in Thrissur are many in number and it follows well-equipped marketing strategies to deliver immediate and fine results. The top rated websites and result pages on the search engine receive the majority of the impressions and clicks, which helps to increase the significant traffic in these top positioned result pages and high ranking can be achieved to your website. It mainly focuses on creating informative and keyword relevant title tags and meta descriptions, which make high show up in the result pages. The effective use of optimised tags and descriptions helps to increase the click-through rate and also promotes the surge in qualified web traffic.

Another noticeable advantage of SEO in Kerala is its cost-effectiveness, it helps to target the users who are actively looking for specific products and services online. The inbound nature of Search Engine Optimisation helps the business firms to save money as opposed to outbound strategies like cold-calling. It also targets the patrons who are actively searching for products and services and it results in more traffic through SEO techniques. The SEO service in Thrissur is more qualified than many other marketing strategies, which results in cost-savings for the marketing companies and organisations.

Brand awareness is the another important comes under the section of SEO services. Top rankings for the websites can be achieved through significant impressions and these top positions on the result pages translate to more exposure and subjection for your website. If we place the keywords primarily on the first page then it helps the users to associate their brand with those keywords. It produces more trust since the companies on the first page are generally perceived to be more trustworthy. If the content of specific brands appears in high-rank positions in the search engines then it provides more chances for the users to view the content and makes them interested to associate with your brand. SEO company in Thrissur follows this particularly advanced techniques to escalate their marketing needs.

What is SEO?

Focusing on growing visibility in organic search engine results, make use of the new strategy of search engine optimisation in Kerala to improve rankings, increase awareness in search engines, and to drive traffic. SEO sometimes stands simply to structure your site in a way that is understood by search engines. Not only building eco-friendly websites but also it makes your website better for people too. At Atees these principles go hand-in-hand. Basically, SEO is a repeatable measurable process which is used to send signals to search engines.

What is an SEO Specialist?

An SEO Specialist reviews, implements, and analyses changes to websites to optimise for search engines. By improving page rank within search engines, Search engine optimisation in Kerala maximises the traffic to a site. An SEO specialist is responsible to make the website rank at the top of search engine results. The strategies and techniques had a great change over the past few years.

With the potential to prioritise and develop relevant and engaging content a modern specialist must be a problem solver and decision maker. For ranking the website quality content is very much necessary. We usually say content is the king, it is said so because it will invariably include keyword or phrases that increase traffic to a site. They know the relevance of internal links and the potential to problem-solve comes in handy when trying to find the fine locations and the best method to internal links.

With an in-depth knowledge of keyword research, an SEO specialist will analyse websites for improvements. With a common degree and an experience of two or three years is a much-needed factor for being an expert SEO analyst. Also, a little knowledge is preferable in HTML, CSS, blogging, programming language.


Which are the different types of SEO?

On Page SEO and Off Page SEO are the two different types of Search Engine Optimisation. Now, let’s check this detail:

On Page SEO – To get more pertinent traffic in web search engine, on page SEO is a practice to advance individual website pages. Corresponding to long-tail keywords digital marketing companies in Kerala will apply an exertion on the website to optimise all the content. The following are the activities included in on page SEO.

  1. Page Titles
  2. Mega Descriptions
  3. Mega Tags
  4. URL Structure
  5. Content Optimisation
  6. H1, H2, H3,….H6 Tags
  7. Keyword Density
  8. Image Optimisation

Off Page SEO – It is a habit of link building through various activities which is used to upgrade website position in SERPs. The various activities involved in this category are:

  1. Social Networking Sites
  2. Blog Submission
  3. Guest Blogging
  4. PPT Submission
  5. Article Submission
  6. Directory Submission
  7. Image and Video Submission
  8. Social Bookmarking
  9. Business Listings
  10. Forum Marketing
  11. Press Release
  12. Link Building

The 3 Techniques used in SEO

White Hat SEO – This uses strategies and procedures to heighten web search tool rankings of a site which don’t travel paths with web crawler rules. You can expect a progressive yet steadfast however lasting development in the rankings when you choose this strategy for SEO.

Black Hat SEO – This outrages the different shortcomings in the calculations or web search tools to get high rankings for sites. A portion of the dark cap SEO systems involves interface spam, keyword stuffing, shrouded content, shrouding, and concealed connection. One can expect fast, unusual, short persistent development in positioning.

Grey Hat SEO – This is neither black nor white procedure that does not completely utilise the black cap SEO and rather merges both. This makes a change from dark/black to white or vice versa. Due to the weight from the site or organisation or to convey better outcomes, the best SEO services in Thrissur Gray cap SEO to some extent.

Why Is Hiring SEO Company A Good Idea For Business Diversification?

Keyword Marketing: This particular marketing strategy in concerned with putting your message or content in front of the public who are searching particular keywords and phrases. Keyword marketing may vary according to the users, for ad buyers it involves purchasing ad units, which means banners. When a web surfer searches for particular keywords and phrases it outputs search results page. In the case of search engine optimisation professionals, keyword marketing includes achieving the top position in the actual search listings. An integral part of optimising a page is to locate the keywords, which specifies how your page will be ranked and how effectively a user finds your page.

search engine optimisation

Quality Service Providing At Affordable Cost: The standard quality of the services is the extreme advantage of using SEO services, which is available at very nominal prices. The services can be provided on a contract basis and it will enable you to optimise more important pages according to the priority. The effective utilisation of available resources will greatly help the SEO company in Kerala to initialise SEO services on a planned budget.

Increased Exposure: The appropriate use of keywords and phrases makes the website to rank in top position thereby increasing the exposure and revenue of specific products and services. The ranking of content will help to increase the popularity of the products thereby generating high demand.

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Web design in kerala
Benefits Of Creating Your Own Business Website.

Don’t you have a website being a businessman? Companies and people are on the internet for information in this modern world. The primary function of visiting a website is to find information. You need to possess website for your customers because information is critical for customers. Below are a few benefits and advantages of having own website for your business.

<>Web design in kerala

  • Advertising

  • For advertising and marketing, a website is more environment-friendly. The internet provides various methods to advertise your products and services. Facebook is a great example of advertising. SEO Kerala is the major advantage of advertising. SEO companies in Kerala boost the ranking of your website for higher profits and quick sales.

    Web design in kerala

  • Less Expensive

  • Majority businesses are advertised on television, media, radio and so on. Though investing in advertising is necessary but these forms are quite expensive. But an online marketing company in Kerala can promote your company in more cheap manner. Sometimes free offline advertising is also available on the internet.

  • Satisfaction

  • Websites make customers more convenient. Provide an ease for your customers to purchase from you. Rather than driving a car to your location make browsing a habit. There are many obsessed customers who never enquire anything so it will be wow when they get everything on googling without asking.

  • Increase Customers

  • Local popularity is there for almost all business but its fame is not for customers outside the city. A website designing companies in Kerala can generate worldwide customers. The internet is a global community from where your business will be visible around the world.

    Web design in kerala

  • Accessibility

  • Closing time is a major problem faced by customers while going shops. Websites never close the doors of your website. At any time of day or night, an online site can be viewed. A website is more accessible than going to a shop. So always be alert to update your website with products and services.

  • Access Into Info

  • Web designing companies in Kerala assure that you can track everything happening on a website when you own it. Information is also provided for how many people visited your website, how many emailed, and how many messaged you. Anytime update can be done and it is less expensive than printed material.

  • Fresh

  • A blog page is created by smart business owners for their company. You can keep a blog to post fresh content and it will help your website to stay fresh and attractive.

  • Links

  • For active digital marketing services in Kerala, links are very important. People will link your website to theirs for good contents and good products or services, making your website valuable.

  • Better relationship

  • A website will help to build a good relationship with customers. You can send emails and messages. Customers can also set a feedback in your page about the products and services you provide.

  • Increase sales

  • A website will help to earn more visitors which brings more potential sales. By constantly advancing and assisting contents of your site you can drive more people into it. Information and sales are directly proportional.

  • Opportunity

  • Through your website, you have to tell your customers why they deserve your trust. Website design in Kerala provides an opportunity to prove your credibility. Your website is a place for a potential investor to explore your products and service and what you can ensure them in future.

  • Long-Term Clients

  • A client and a customer are quite different for a business. A customer is just a person who walks in and buys any product. Whereas a client is a regular customer who is buying products lawfully or daily. Therefore having own website increases the chance of getting more clients.

Digital Marketing Services In Kerala
5 Digital Marketing Trends to Look in 2018

Digital Marketing Services In Kerala

The year 2017 is coming to an end and the marketing managers across the globe are preparing for the next big year ahead. The analysts are busy crunching in on the current year’s data while strategists are on the lookout for new opportunities and threats. Predicting the trends of 2018 won’t be an easy task as we are sensing a dynamic shift in fundamentals of marketing. Inbounding marketing is now stronger than ever, the customers are enlightened. We knew it from the beginning that the inbound marketing would eventual win, but we underestimated the impact it would create. So what is next then? The digital marketer in you striving for success and you need to show your sale team who is the boss in town. Some of the courses such as course training in digital marketing is getting popular day by day. Well, you are in the right place, in this article we are looking into the future. Here are 5 Digital Marketing Trends to look in 2018 enjoy.

The list is in no particular order and I am just lending you my vision for the future.


The dawn of Artificial intelligence

Digital Marketing Services In Kerala

“The judgment day is upon us and humanity has to pay for its imbecility” just kidding. Artificial intelligence is the next big thing, why? Check out what Google and Facebook been doing. They are bidding billions and billions of dollars in this field. The machines are getting smarter and we don’t know if it is for good or bad. So how is AI going to affect marketing? Well, there is going to be a big impact. Gone are the days of text-based search engine optimization, Google’s latest projects such as TensorFlow will enable Google to recognize the images on your pages. As if now no one is really working on optimizing the images, they are neglected and this will cost you high in the future. Computer courses in Kerala are getting much advanced as subjects relating to software based intelligence is also taught in these courses.


Facebook becoming greedy

Digital Marketing Services In Kerala

Google is trying out all these new projects to improve the user experience or that’s what they are claiming. Facebook doesn’t like to get behind Google and they are also experimenting new thing here and there. Recent updates to Facebook are actually a bit frightening for the digital marketers out there. The organic means of marketing are taking a hit and Facebook is explicitly promoting the paid advertising. Facebook is turning greedy and the trend is likely to follow into other platforms also. ‘Instagram I am talking about you’ and since Facebook hijacked Instagram they are going to force down their agenda on Instagram. Organic marketing through Facebook would be more difficult than ever.


Awaken the giant- Boom in Email marketing

Digital Marketing Services In Kerala

Email marketing is the underdog in the digital marketing arena. It is not the most interesting area for marketing and the newbie in the field of marketing tends to underestimate its value. It is not that technical and it is often categorized as boring. Ask any seasoned marketer and they will surely enlighten you with its pros. It offers the highest Return on Investment and a personalized email is the most powerful tool you have in your arsenal. Email marketing out wins every other form of digital marketing due to its sheer volume. The dominance is undisputed and more marketers are busy wielding its power. This positive trend is not going to take a hit anytime soon. Email marketing is going to hit the roof in the coming years.


Finding new frontier for marketing

Digital Marketing Services In Kerala

When was the last time you used your computer to satisfy your impulsive search appetite? If you are hungry you wouldn’t mind the menu. Mobile phones have taken over the world and modern digital marketer have adapted to the change. Innovative minds in the tech industry have found new ways to spoil the average consumer. In comes the Internet of things and smart homes of the future. Google and Amazon have made huge investments in this field. Google home bot, the latest mini, the Amazon echo and Amazon echo dot is the proof of a more connected tomorrow without screens. You can already order a pizza through these devices and that said imagine what is to come. 2018 there would be more connected devices and smarter homes so I would watch this segment closely. Course training in graphic designing is one of the most sought after course that is combined with digital marketing to take a brand to new heights.


Old wine in a new bottle- finding new formats for contents

Businessman Writing the Word Content

Businessman Writing the Word Content“Content is the king” and there is no doubt about it. If you need traffic to your website, you will need to have great content to offer. When you hear the word content, what comes to your mind at first would be a 1000 word blog. The content doesn’t only exist in text format; great content can be in the forms videos also. Studies reveal that people now a day’s prefer dynamic contents such as videos over static text. Search engines are getting smarter; Google is also trying out machine learning to identifying great content. So content is going to take new forms and marketer should identify the opportunity they are presented with. You can push out more content than ever before and get traffic to your sites.

2018 would be an interesting year in the timeline of digital marketing. I would advise my fellow marketer to focus more on quality and user experience.

<>Digital Marketing Services In Kerala


Well defined Marketing Strategies with captivating content


Powerful websites along with great layout and designs


SEO friendly website with more traffic & better leads


ATEES has been the leading digital marketing agency in Kerala since 2012. Our efficient services has benefited well-known companies all over the world. We are primarily focussed on providing technologies for Micro, Small & Large businesses.

