The Best SEO Strategy for 2024: Insights from a Leading SEO Company in Thrissur

As we move into 2024, the landscape of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) continues to evolve rapidly. With new algorithms, technologies, and user behaviors shaping the digital environment, businesses need to stay ahead of the curve to maintain their online presence and competitive edge. In this blog, we will look into the best SEO strategy for 2024, highlighting the latest trends, techniques, and tools. We also explore the pivotal role of a SEO company In Thrissur, such as the best digital marketing company in Thrissur, in helping businesses navigate this complex landscape.


content, meta tags, headings, and URLs.


 The Role of a Seo Company In Thrissur

Crafting the Best SEO Strategy for 2024


  1. Local SEO


This involves optimizing your Google My Business profile, getting positive reviews, and building local citations. As an SEO company In Thrissur, local SEO strategies are essential for attracting customers within the region.


  1. Off-Page SEO and Link Building


Activities that take place off your website and affect your search engine rankings are known as off-page SEO. Link building is the key component of off-page SEO. High-quality backlinks from authoritative websites signal to search engines that your site is trustworthy and relevant. For the best SEO strategy for 2024, focus on:


Guest Blogging: Contribute valuable content to reputable sites in your niche.


Broken Link Building:  Find and replace broken links on other websites with links to your content.


  1. Keyword Research and Optimization


Keyword research is the foundation of any SEO strategy. In 2024, the focus should be on finding the right balance between high-volume and long-tail keywords. Tools like Google’s Keyword Planner, SEMrush, and Ahrefs can provide valuable insights into keyword trends and competition. Once identified, these keywords should be seamlessly integrated into high-quality 

  1. Expertise and Experience


Partnering with the best digital marketing company in Thrissur offers businesses access to a team of experts with extensive experience in the field. These professionals stay updated with the latest SEO trends, algorithms, and best practices, ensuring that your SEO strategy is always ahead of the curve.


  1. Comprehensive SEO Services


A leading SEO company In Thrissur provides a wide range of SEO services, including:


SEO Audits: Comprehensive audits to identify and address any issues affecting your website’s performance.


Content Creation: Crafting high-quality, keyword-optimized content that engages and converts.


Technical SEO: Ensuring your website’s technical foundation is solid and optimized for search engines.


Link Building: Building a strong backlink profile through ethical and effective techniques.


  1. Customized Strategies


The best digital marketing company in Thrissur tailors SEO strategies to meet the specific needs and goals of your business. This personalized approach ensures that your SEO efforts are aligned with your overall marketing objectives.


Understanding the Core of SEO in 2024


  1. The Evolution of Search Algorithms


For the best SEO strategy in 2024, these updates are expected to focus even more on user experience, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning. Google’s BERT and MUM updates have already demonstrated the search engine’s ability to understand natural language and context better. Therefore, SEO strategies must prioritize creating content that is not only keyword-rich but also contextually relevant and valuable to the user.


  1. The Rise of Voice Search


With the increasing use of smart speakers and voice-activated assistants, voice search is becoming a significant part of SEO. Optimizing for voice search involves focusing on long-tail keywords and natural language queries. It also means ensuring that your website is mobile-friendly and fast-loading, as most voice searches are conducted on mobile devices.


  1. Mobile-First Indexing


Your website’s mobile version is now regarded as the primary version thanks to Google’s switch to mobile-first indexing. Making sure your website is mobile-friendly is essential in 2024, not simply a choice. This includes easy navigation on smaller displays, quick loading times, and responsive design.


  1. Quality Content is Still King


Content remains at the heart of SEO. However, the definition of quality content has evolved. It is no longer just about keyword density; it’s about providing comprehensive, engaging, and valuable information that meets the user’s intent. Incorporating multimedia elements such as videos, infographics, and interactive content can enhance user engagement and improve SEO performance.


Staying Ahead of SEO Trends in 2024


  1. Embracing AI and Machine Learning


AI and machine learning are transforming the SEO landscape. Tools powered by AI can analyze vast amounts of data to identify patterns and trends, enabling more effective keyword research, content optimization, and predictive analysis. Staying ahead in 2024 means leveraging these technologies to enhance your SEO strategy.


  1. Focusing on User Experience (UX)


User experience has become a critical ranking factor. Websites with smooth, easy-to-use interfaces are more likely to get better search engine rankings. This includes optimizing site speed, ensuring mobile responsiveness, and creating user-friendly navigation.


  1. Enhancing Visual Search


Visual search is gaining traction, with platforms like Google Lens allowing users to search using images. Optimizing your visual content, including images and videos, for search engines can provide a competitive edge. This involves using descriptive filenames, alt text, and captions.


  1. Prioritizing E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness)


Google’s emphasis on E-A-T underscores the importance of building a reputable online presence. Creating high-quality, authoritative content, getting backlinks from reputable sources, and maintaining a positive online reputation is crucial for SEO success in 2024.

Implementing the best SEO strategy for 2024 involves staying updated with the latest trends, leveraging advanced technologies, and focusing on delivering value to users. Partnering with one of the best SEO company in Thrissur can provide the expertise to make it happen. ATEES Infomedia Pvt Ltd excels in delivering top-notch digital solutions tailored to your needs. Choose ATEES for unparalleled expertise and innovative services.

8 years of excellence
The Journey to 8 Years of Success

It’s been a long journey for us since 2012. From a start-up IT company to the most well-known global IT solution company in 4 countries across 4 continents was not easy. But we did it with our sheer dedication & commitment.

As we are approaching our 8th anniversary, we share 8 products or services that have heavily contributed to our excellence in the industry. Choosing the top 8 is always a difficult task. But we did it by selecting the ones that have contributed significantly to our success. These products & services have made us stand out from others. Here, we share those products & services with huge pride and happiness and how they brought us this far. 

A Unique approach

To become recognized and successful, you have to be unique. We have always believed in providing services that are different from traditional ways. Even when we started functioning, we knew that our company has the potential for more. We wanted to help customers become successful.

But the problem was they didn’t have the right solutions, to begin with. This led us to develop solutions that helped customers grow their business & get sales. This is what has made us different from others and one of the reasons for our continued existence.

Getting Into Digital Marketing

As mentioned above, when we began our company, it is then we realized the potential of digital marketing. Digital marketing is not a single term but it’s a set of strategies used to marketing services online.

The world is shifting towards an era where everything is becoming online. We understood the potential and made a change by incorporating digital marketing services. If we hadn’t adapted, then we would have never grown.

Today, we are one of the leading IT solution companies that provide digital marketing services. This includes SEO, SEM, SMM, PPC and more. Our services have helped clients both international & domestic in making their business profitable. Many of them have considered our services as the best.

Incorporating Web Development

Along with digital marketing, we found the potential for web development too. The right combination of digital marketing & web development produced the best business results. This is what we provided at ATEES.

Our web development solutions include custom website design, web application development and more. Many reputed clients have chosen our services for their business. Like digital marketing, our web services have gotten considerable praise from clients. This, in turn, helped us establish as the leading IT solution companies.

The Shift Towards The likeness Of Online Solutions

Being a digital marketing company is easy but becoming the best one is hard. To become one like that, it takes a lot of resources, vision, & marketing skills. Even though we had all that, we still lacked something.

This is when we realized the potential of online software solutions. Considering the advantages that included higher profits, better recognition and brand identity, we came to the conclusion to start developing online solutions.

Within a period of 8 years, these are the solutions that we designed for commercial uses. The purpose was to provide users with a unique solution that benefits their business. Our R/D team were the brains behind each software solution.

Investing In E-commerce Solution

With the emerging popularity of e-commerce solutions, we understood its potential in the business field. This led us to develop our own e-commerce solution for commercial purposes.

What our solution provided was a way through which an ordinary customer could start their own e-commerce business. At less investment, they were able to get increased profits. This factor enabled many clients to opt for our solution. Our R/D worked continuously on optimizing the solution. This achievement significantly contributed to our overall success.

Reinventing Online Food Delivery App & Portal

Once we became successful with an e-commerce solution, we decided to explore more into developing online solutions in different sectors and one such was a food portal. By developing an online food portal, it attracted several clients who were interested to start their own solution, thanks to the popularity of existing online food solutions.

Although our solution did seem similar to existing ones, they were totally different. Atees Food portal had several unique features that were not found in other solutions. This benefited the customers in the form of better sales & profits.

As our solution required less investment & helped business reach audience faster, it became a huge success for us and increased our brand reputation to higher levels.

E-Pharma Portal for Online Medicine Delivery Apps

The next initiative of our R/D team was developing a cost-effective dynamic medicine portal solution, ATEES E-pharma. It allowed faster delivery of medicines to the people. This initiative was targeted towards pharmacists & medical shop owners. The solution also included a mobile app which helped improve sales.

Well- received & trusted by many, ATEES E-pharma became the preferred choice for those looking to start their business in the medical sector. This was also one of the achievements that significantly contributed to our overall success. 

Innovations in Job Hunting With Job Portal

What led us to the development of ATEES Job portal was to provide an effective platform that connected both job seekers and employers easier. Although similar to other existing versions, our solution was better. We received immense praise for developing such an effective solution.

Customers who opted for the solution for their business got higher profits. Since the solution required less investment, it made interested customers preferring the solution. This, in turn, helped in achieving better brand recognition for us and contributed to our overall success.

Taking POS to its Cloud Versions

The need for a secure & faster payment system was essential for many businesses from what we found. Although there were existing solutions, they lacked some essential features. This is what led our R/D team to develop ATEES Cloud POS.

Our solution has several advantages that other systems didn’t have. Remote accessing, inventory integration, offline synchronization, etc was among such features. Those customers who used the solution for their business saw an increase in sales & profits. This made our solution the preferred choice for all customers.

Becoming One Of The Leading ERP Developer

We made managing business processes an easy task with our custom ERP solution. The purpose was to streamline business operations in an efficient way. The companies that opted for our solution did not report any problems with the system. This is due to the continuous work of our R/D team made to the software.

This is something we consider as our biggest highlight. With an already established reputation and trust, getting business clients for our ERP solution was not a difficult job. Apart from providing software, we also provided technical support at all times.

We have made a benchmark by becoming successful in all these achievements. This has made us the best IT solution provider all over the world. But this is not the end. We are strengthening our roadmap. This includes implementing the technologies of AI, Machine learning and more. Through these technologies, we hope to bring new & improved services in the future.

Site Launch

We are pleased to announce the groundbreaking website launch. The website revamp was such a hectic and long journey for all of us and finally, we have come up with the best online presence that caters all your specific requirements. We have given special attention to all areas of the new website so as to provide better accessibility and easiness to the whole information. This is the major website revamp we have done since the last revamp in 2014.

Our previous website became outdated on account of the introduction of modern technology as well as novel insights in SEO analytics. Though we have outstanding services and sub-services, they were not publicized in the prior website. The need for a more innovative outlook was completely evident and that is how we have resolved to revamp our website. All these constraints were eliminated and answered in a better way on our new website.

We wanted to provide the finest user-friendly experience for our customers. Therefore, the first thing we did was optimizing the whole site as per the latest technologies. This comprised of SEO, Relevant keywords research and sophisticated UI/UX design. All these measures created the best website experience. Each area of the website became more interactive, informative and accessible with voice search technology. Our full-fledged services are made visible as new services are being added. Amongst the new features, we have made the website optimized for mobile devices. A product store is now available for customers for software products. We offer flat 40% off for our services, so all small, medium and large scale industries can benefit from it. We believe that our updated website is able to enhance the customer’s experience.

  1. Starting as a PHP developer how do you brief your career after becoming an e-commerce specialist?

    From my journey as a core PHP developer to an e-commerce specialist, one thing that has driven me is the need to learn. I started my career as a core PHP developer. While working on the programming language, I studied about the default functions from which I created custom functions. I was able to build and provide assistance on various types of projects. It is at this time that I advanced my career from maxtreme pharma core PHP to MVC architecture and further expanded it to HMVC. While working on this architecture and its programming, my attention became focused on e-commerce. Amazed by its possibilities in various industrial needs such as sales, rent, wholesale/retail, etc. This led me to learn more about e-commerce and how it functions in various categories. This, in turn, led me to learn about Opencart.

    This is where I got into building e-commerce software systems for companies and as projects. Integration and customization was a part of it. The more I learned about e-commerce and its functions, the better I became. Around this point, I advanced my career to Magento specialist where I was programming custom modules, API and other functionalities. The point is to never stop learning and never be afraid of aiming high.

  2. Being an e-commerce specialist what are the challenges that you have faced?

    Becoming an e-commerce specialist was a platform for me where I could learn more deeply and use my acquired skills to develop successful projects, however, there were challenges that I faced during my work times. Instead of seeing them as a pain, I see these challenges as various motivating factors that further drove me to learn more about e-commerce technologies. Some of the challenges I faced was dealing with API transactions, recurring payments which involved repetitive tasks. Most of the challenges were involved in the server-side. Changes in the server-side made us make frequent changes. Overcoming challenges helped me to update my knowledge as an e-commerce specialist. This also allowed me to serve the customers better. When low-level companies visit us for a consultation on starting an e-commerce website, based on my experience in dealing with these challenges, I am able to point them out and explain clearly along with the solutions. This makes them choose us for implementing the e-commerce software. This is helpful for both customers and us.

  3. What are the trending aspects of e-commerce and how it worked out in your organisation?

    E-commerce is an evolving platform that results in newer changes occurring. The idea is to know about the current trends by identifying and analysing them to see if such an update is beneficial for the organization. What I normally do is that when I come to know about any trending ecommerce update or solution, I test it myself. The testing involves ensuring if the latest trending concept will be feasible for smoother workflow in the organisation. If found suitable, only then I will brief my team about it. Sometimes the team members come up with ideas on improving the e-commerce system. This also results in checking and finding out if it has the potential for business growth.

  4. Apart from being an e-commerce specialist, you are the team lead of several projects. How would you describe your work life?

    What I don’t prefer is leaving one for the other. Being both an e-commerce specialist & a team leader, I am able to find a balance on both sides. The thing about e-commerce projects is that for almost every project, the base is the same. This makes dealing with e-commerce projects one step easier whereas when handling other project types, they will have different architecture and functions. Since they are different and require different logic, a certain amount of time is needed in order to learn and build the logic especially if its a project that I don’t know about. Without the proper knowledge base, handling the projects is not at all recommended.

    When I receive projects, based on the project type, I assign the respective parts to my teammates and bring them together on board. The benefit of this approach is that each member gets a part of the project that they are well experienced at and it promotes faster development of the project. As an e-commerce specialist and a team leader, I have an overall idea about both platforms. This is what makes me able to handle projects without compromising one over the other.

  5. What are the possibilities of e-commerce mobile app?

    Mobile applications are gaining popularity in recent years. Smartphones are gaining dominance in the online world for accomplishing a wide variety of tasks equivalent to the ones performed on a typical desktop. This includes e-commerce. Since the majority of people are using smartphones for shopping, an e-commerce app can definitely increase business sales. What an e-commerce app does is promotes publicity about products and drives customers to the app or website. When we build an e-commerce mobile app, what we try to aim for is providing a faster and fluid shopping experience to the users. When designing the app for smartphone, it involves the use of caching and API’s which are compressed so as to provide a faster loading time. The purpose of an e-commerce app is to lead the customer from browsing to sales point within the shortest time. This means presenting an interface that houses all the important parameters needed for promoting a sale.


We are excited about announcing a 70% offer on all our Solution. This promotion offer is available for all our solutions ranging from food delivery to cloud POS. The offer is purely based on the absolute goal of reaching out to small and micro businesses and empowering them in terms of modern technology. Likewise, we offer a limited slot 40% off on all our digital technologies despite business size. Our services are the perfect pick as we deliver supreme quality services without any hidden charges.

This price is applicable to all our products and is the best in the market. Besides rolling back prices, we also provide two-year free hosting. Each of our solutions consists of a website & a mobile app except POS. Our services are delivered to all SME enterprise around the world.


Well defined Marketing Strategies with captivating content


Powerful websites along with great layout and designs


SEO friendly website with more traffic & better leads


ATEES has been the leading digital marketing agency in Kerala since 2012. Our efficient services has benefited well-known companies all over the world. We are primarily focussed on providing technologies for Micro, Small & Large businesses.

