Web Design In Thrissur
Features for a Mobile-Friendly Web Design: User Experience And SEO

In this constantly changing environment of web design and digital marketing, staying ahead demands entertaining mobile-friendly practices. Mobile devices dominate internet usage globally, making it imperative for businesses to optimize their websites accordingly. A mobile-friendly web design not only enhances user experience but also boosts SEO performance, contributing to better visibility and engagement. In this blog, we look into the essential features of a mobile-friendly web design, focusing on how it impacts digital marketing, particularly in locales like Thrissur.

Understanding Mobile-Friendly Web Design

Mobile-friendly web design refers to creating websites that provide optimal viewing and interaction experiences across a wide range of devices, particularly smartphones and tablets. With users increasingly accessing the internet on mobile devices, websites must be responsive, adaptive, and fast-loading to ensure a seamless browsing experience.

Key Features of a Mobile-Friendly Web Design

1. Responsive Design

Responsive design ensures that websites automatically adjust their layout and content based on the device being used. This avoids the requirement for separate mobile and desktop versions, which eventually streamlines maintenance and ensures consistency across various platforms.

2. Fast Loading Times

Mobile users expect websites to load quickly. Optimizing images, leveraging browser caching, and minimizing HTTP requests are crucial for reducing load times and improving overall performance.

3. Intuitive Navigation

Clear and intuitive navigation is essential for mobile users who often have limited screen space. Usability can be greatly improved by implementing a hamburger menu, giving priority to important material, and sustaining a logical flow.

4. Mobile-Friendly Content

Content tailored for mobile devices involves concise text, legible fonts, and strategically placed calls-to-action (CTAs). Scannable content with bullet points and headings facilitates easier consumption on smaller screens.

5. Touch-Friendly Elements

Designing touch-friendly buttons and links ensures that users can interact with the website effortlessly on touchscreens. Adequate spacing between elements prevents accidental taps and enhances user satisfaction.

6. Optimized Forms

Streamlining forms for mobile users by minimizing input fields and using auto-fill options can reduce friction and improve conversion rates. Validation messages should be clear and visible to aid users during data entry.

7. Mobile SEO Best Practices

Implementing mobile SEO practices such as optimizing meta tags, using structured data, and ensuring mobile-friendly URLs can enhance visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs). Websites that give an excellent mobile experience are being prioritized by Google’s mobile-first indexing.

Impact on Digital Marketing Strategies

Adding mobile-friendly web design into various digital marketing strategies is important for boosting reach and engagement. Here’s how it influences various aspects of digital marketing:

1. SEO Benefits

Mobile-friendly websites are favored by search engines, leading to higher rankings and increased organic traffic.Bounce rate and dwell time which are the improved user experience metrics signal quality to search algorithms which eventually boost SEO performance.

2. Enhanced User Experience (UX)

Positive user experiences on mobile devices translate into higher engagement and lower bounce rates. Seamless navigation and fast loading times encourage users to explore the website and interact with its content, ultimately increasing conversions.

3. Social Media Optimization

Social media platforms prioritize mobile-friendly content in their algorithms. Websites that are easy to share and navigate on mobile devices tend to receive higher engagement on social media, amplifying brand visibility and reach.

4. Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

A streamlined mobile experience reduces barriers to conversion. Mobile-friendly design elements such as simplified checkout processes and prominent CTAs encourage visitors to take desired actions, improving conversion rates and ROI.

Web Design in Thrissur: Local Insights

Renowned for its cultural diversity and expanding economic vitality, Thrissur offers distinct opportunities for businesses embracing digital transformation. As more local businesses in Thrissur go online, adopting mobile-friendly web design becomes crucial for competing effectively in the digital marketplace.

Local businesses in Thrissur can leverage mobile-friendly web design to:

  • Attract Local Traffic: Optimizing for mobile enhances visibility among smartphone users searching for local products and services.
  • Enhance Local SEO: Implementing geo-targeted keywords and ensuring mobile compatibility can improve rankings in local search results.
  • Build Brand Loyalty: Providing a seamless mobile experience fosters trust and loyalty among local customers, encouraging repeat visits and referrals.
  • Stay Competitive: In a dynamic market like Thrissur, where digital transformation is rapidly reshaping consumer behavior, ATEES ensures your business stays competitive by adopting cutting-edge mobile-friendly web design practices. 

In conclusion, a mobile-friendly web design is not just a trend but a necessity in today’s digital era. It impacts features of a mobile-friendly web design, from SEO and user experience to conversion rates and brand visibility. Businesses, especially those in thriving local economies like Thrissur, must prioritize mobile optimization to stay competitive and engage effectively with their target audience. By integrating responsive design, fast loading times, intuitive navigation, and mobile SEO best practices, businesses can create compelling digital experiences that drive growth and success in the mobile-first world. Whether you’re looking for a web design service in Thrissur or developing a new mobile-friendly site from scratch, ATEES offers personalized solutions to enhance your online presence.

The Best SEO Strategy for 2024: Insights from a Leading SEO Company in Thrissur

As we move into 2024, the landscape of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) continues to evolve rapidly. With new algorithms, technologies, and user behaviors shaping the digital environment, businesses need to stay ahead of the curve to maintain their online presence and competitive edge. In this blog, we will look into the best SEO strategy for 2024, highlighting the latest trends, techniques, and tools. We also explore the pivotal role of a SEO company In Thrissur, such as the best digital marketing company in Thrissur, in helping businesses navigate this complex landscape.


content, meta tags, headings, and URLs.


 The Role of a Seo Company In Thrissur

Crafting the Best SEO Strategy for 2024


  1. Local SEO


This involves optimizing your Google My Business profile, getting positive reviews, and building local citations. As an SEO company In Thrissur, local SEO strategies are essential for attracting customers within the region.


  1. Off-Page SEO and Link Building


Activities that take place off your website and affect your search engine rankings are known as off-page SEO. Link building is the key component of off-page SEO. High-quality backlinks from authoritative websites signal to search engines that your site is trustworthy and relevant. For the best SEO strategy for 2024, focus on:


Guest Blogging: Contribute valuable content to reputable sites in your niche.


Broken Link Building:  Find and replace broken links on other websites with links to your content.


  1. Keyword Research and Optimization


Keyword research is the foundation of any SEO strategy. In 2024, the focus should be on finding the right balance between high-volume and long-tail keywords. Tools like Google’s Keyword Planner, SEMrush, and Ahrefs can provide valuable insights into keyword trends and competition. Once identified, these keywords should be seamlessly integrated into high-quality 

  1. Expertise and Experience


Partnering with the best digital marketing company in Thrissur offers businesses access to a team of experts with extensive experience in the field. These professionals stay updated with the latest SEO trends, algorithms, and best practices, ensuring that your SEO strategy is always ahead of the curve.


  1. Comprehensive SEO Services


A leading SEO company In Thrissur provides a wide range of SEO services, including:


SEO Audits: Comprehensive audits to identify and address any issues affecting your website’s performance.


Content Creation: Crafting high-quality, keyword-optimized content that engages and converts.


Technical SEO: Ensuring your website’s technical foundation is solid and optimized for search engines.


Link Building: Building a strong backlink profile through ethical and effective techniques.


  1. Customized Strategies


The best digital marketing company in Thrissur tailors SEO strategies to meet the specific needs and goals of your business. This personalized approach ensures that your SEO efforts are aligned with your overall marketing objectives.


Understanding the Core of SEO in 2024


  1. The Evolution of Search Algorithms


For the best SEO strategy in 2024, these updates are expected to focus even more on user experience, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning. Google’s BERT and MUM updates have already demonstrated the search engine’s ability to understand natural language and context better. Therefore, SEO strategies must prioritize creating content that is not only keyword-rich but also contextually relevant and valuable to the user.


  1. The Rise of Voice Search


With the increasing use of smart speakers and voice-activated assistants, voice search is becoming a significant part of SEO. Optimizing for voice search involves focusing on long-tail keywords and natural language queries. It also means ensuring that your website is mobile-friendly and fast-loading, as most voice searches are conducted on mobile devices.


  1. Mobile-First Indexing


Your website’s mobile version is now regarded as the primary version thanks to Google’s switch to mobile-first indexing. Making sure your website is mobile-friendly is essential in 2024, not simply a choice. This includes easy navigation on smaller displays, quick loading times, and responsive design.


  1. Quality Content is Still King


Content remains at the heart of SEO. However, the definition of quality content has evolved. It is no longer just about keyword density; it’s about providing comprehensive, engaging, and valuable information that meets the user’s intent. Incorporating multimedia elements such as videos, infographics, and interactive content can enhance user engagement and improve SEO performance.


Staying Ahead of SEO Trends in 2024


  1. Embracing AI and Machine Learning


AI and machine learning are transforming the SEO landscape. Tools powered by AI can analyze vast amounts of data to identify patterns and trends, enabling more effective keyword research, content optimization, and predictive analysis. Staying ahead in 2024 means leveraging these technologies to enhance your SEO strategy.


  1. Focusing on User Experience (UX)


User experience has become a critical ranking factor. Websites with smooth, easy-to-use interfaces are more likely to get better search engine rankings. This includes optimizing site speed, ensuring mobile responsiveness, and creating user-friendly navigation.


  1. Enhancing Visual Search


Visual search is gaining traction, with platforms like Google Lens allowing users to search using images. Optimizing your visual content, including images and videos, for search engines can provide a competitive edge. This involves using descriptive filenames, alt text, and captions.


  1. Prioritizing E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness)


Google’s emphasis on E-A-T underscores the importance of building a reputable online presence. Creating high-quality, authoritative content, getting backlinks from reputable sources, and maintaining a positive online reputation is crucial for SEO success in 2024.

Implementing the best SEO strategy for 2024 involves staying updated with the latest trends, leveraging advanced technologies, and focusing on delivering value to users. Partnering with one of the best SEO company in Thrissur can provide the expertise to make it happen. ATEES Infomedia Pvt Ltd excels in delivering top-notch digital solutions tailored to your needs. Choose ATEES for unparalleled expertise and innovative services.

Building a Strong Brand Identity Online
As the online landscape evolves, businesses must adapt to maintain a consistent and compelling brand presence across various channels. Voice search technology, for instance, has emerged as a significant game-changer, altering user behavior and search engine algorithms alike. Ensuring that your brand’s messaging and values are effectively conveyed through voice search queries is crucial for reinforcing brand identity in this rapidly evolving digital environment. Companies need to optimize their content to align with conversational queries while staying true to their brand’s tone and values, thereby solidifying their brand identity in the minds of consumers.   Moreover, the proliferation of social media platforms has opened up new avenues for brand expression and engagement. However, this abundance of channels also presents a challenge: maintaining brand consistency across diverse platforms. Whether it’s Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or emerging platforms like TikTok, each channel offers unique opportunities to connect with audiences. Crafting content that resonates with users while staying faithful to the brand’s identity requires a strategic approach. By tailoring content formats and messaging to suit each platform while maintaining a cohesive brand narrative, businesses can effectively leverage social media to strengthen their brand identity and foster meaningful connections with their target audience. Branding Agency in Thrissur  

Storytelling for Brand Building

  In the digital age, brand building has transcended mere product promotion; it’s about crafting narratives that resonate with audiences on a personal level. Storytelling, in particular, has emerged as a powerful tool for brand building in the digital sphere. Through compelling narratives that evoke emotion and empathy, brands can forge deeper connections with their target demographics, fostering loyalty and advocacy. Whether it’s through blog posts, social media content, or multimedia campaigns, storytelling serves as a vehicle for conveying a brand’s values, mission, and personality, thereby solidifying its identity in the hearts and minds of consumers.   At the heart of successful brand building lies the concept of brand identity—the cohesive set of visual, verbal, and experiential elements that define a brand’s essence and differentiate it from competitors. In this digital era, maintaining a strong brand identity is essential for standing out amidst the noise and clutter of online platforms. Consistency is key, from the logo and color palette to the messaging and user experience. By ensuring that every touchpoint reflects the brand’s personality and values, digital marketers can reinforce brand identity and instill trust and recognition in their audience. However, brand identity isn’t static; it evolves in response to market trends, consumer preferences, and cultural shifts. Digital marketers must be attuned to these changes and adapt their strategies accordingly to keep their brands relevant and resonant. This might involve refreshing visual branding elements, updating messaging to align with shifting consumer sentiments or embracing new technologies and platforms to reach audiences where they are most active. By staying agile and responsive, brands can continue to nurture and strengthen their identity in the ever-evolving digital landscape.   In addition to storytelling and maintaining consistency, actively engaging with the audience plays a pivotal role in brand building and reinforcing brand identity online. Interacting with customers through social media comments, responding to inquiries promptly, and soliciting feedback not only fosters a sense of community but also humanizes the brand. By demonstrating authenticity and transparency in these interactions, brands can further solidify their identity as trustworthy and customer-centric, fostering long-term loyalty and advocacy among their audience.  

User-Generated Content and Community Building

  User-generated content (UGC) has become a cornerstone of brand-building strategies in the digital landscape, offering a powerful means of engaging with audiences while enhancing brand image. By encouraging customers to share their experiences, opinions, and creative interpretations of the brand, companies can tap into the authentic voices of their audience, fostering a sense of community and belonging. UGC not only provides social proof of the brand’s value and credibility but also serves as a valuable source of insights for refining brand messaging and offerings. Through strategic curation and amplification of user-generated content across digital channels, brands can enrich their brand identity and cultivate a positive brand image that resonates with their target demographic.   Effective community building is essential for leveraging user-generated content and nurturing brand identity online. Brands can create dedicated spaces for their community to connect, share, and collaborate, such as branded hashtags, online forums, or user communities on social media platforms. By fostering meaningful interactions and facilitating user-generated content creation within these communities, brands can strengthen their brand identity while empowering their audience to become brand advocates. Additionally, actively engaging with user-generated content through likes, comments, and shares not only acknowledges and appreciates the contributions of the community but also encourages ongoing participation, further enhancing brand image and affinity in the digital realm.   Working with a seasoned expert can help you navigate the complex world of digital marketing and uncover success. ATEES Global is a shining example of expertise, providing a wide range of services designed to improve brand development initiatives. ATEES Global offers an array of knowledge and creative solutions, along with a strong grasp of market dynamics and an unshakable dedication to customer success. With the help of ATEES Global, brands can create memorable campaigns and leverage the power of user-generated content to establish a powerful online presence. ATEES Global helps organizations establish their identity and prosper in the dynamic digital market by utilizing innovative techniques and cultivating deep connections with audiences.
digital marketing companies in Thrissur

The digital marketing sector is steadily rising and has become one of the important areas for career growth in the current scenario. The thing about digital marketing is that it is not a single concept but rather a collection of various services.

Among them, one of the important factors of digital marketing is Search Engine Optimization (SEO). If you have heard about digital marketing, then you must definitely have heard about SEO.

What’s the big deal about SEO?

Everyone wants their websites to rank high in Google’s first search result page, but do you think getting your website ranked is something easy to accomplish?

Of course, it’s not, because if it was, then everything would be so cluttered and spamming due to the presence of redundant and low-quality content. The purpose of SEO is optimizing your site using certain procedures so that it ranks higher in searches relevant to your industry.

Some important tips

Here we describe some SEO tips that you must know if you are into SEO and want to make your business get better brand recognition and getting higher ranking for your website. Keep reading on.


digital marketing companies in Thrissur

We are living in a world of high-speed internet connections and speed is an important factor. if your website is not even able to load in high internet speeds, it creates a bad user experience and drives the customer away from your site, thus losing an organic lead which is not a good thing. Web page loading is a crucial factor in SEO.

Also, if the website is slow, don’t expect it to get ranked high in the search results as even Google has itself stated site speed as one of the ranking factors for websites on the web.

SEO Copywriting

digital marketing companies in Thrissur

Every website contains content but only quality ones are always ranked. Have you ever wondered how?

SEO copywriting is the method used. What is it?

It is a form of online writing in which the content focuses on the target i.e the user by including relevant key phrases that the user searches for. The benefits for copywriting are it helps your content to get ranked higher and drive organic traffic to your website.

The thing is quality writing and when adding keyphrases, make sure to avoid repetitions and keyword stuffing just for the sake of ranking. People value quality, engaging content, therefore make sure the content is related to what people want. By availing professional SEO services in Thrissur you can know more about this feature.

Implement SSL Security

We all value security, right?

Due to this, we never go for websites that are not safe, even if it has excellent quality contents and visual themes. Not only that, if your website is secure, it increases value compared to a non secure website. Even Google agrees that they prefer to rank websites that have SSL Security.

How SSL is important to SEO?

Secure Socket Layer (SSL) is a standard technology that keeps the internet connection secure and the exchange of data between two parties are encrypted and are not readable by external resources.

digital marketing companies in Thrissur

If the website displays HTTPS along with a lock symbol, then the website is said to be secure. HTTPS is an important ranking factor that Google uses, therefore secure websites equal higher ranking and generating organic leads.

Develop the best UI/UX design

Just because your website has engaging and valuable content does not ensure the top spot. If your website is not visually appealing enough, people won’t look at it and it doesn’t drive organic traffic to your site. Therefore your website must be visually stunning and at the same time, the contents should not look too cluttered.

Mobile Indexing

digital marketing companies in Thrissur

This is the era of mobile phones. Today there’s nothing impossible with mobile phones. From calling to making online purchases, mobile technology has significantly grown.

Majority of the people use mobile phones for browsing over the internet. Due to this more search traffic is experienced from mobile devices than desktop counterparts. The concept of mobile indexing is gaining popularity and demand.

Even tech giant Google has already stated that they are going for mobile first indexing and have started the process. Therefore, it is recommended to give more emphasis on the mobile optimization of your website.

Almost everyone uses mobile phones for browsing and getting information, therefore if your services are easily accessible by mobile, then you will get guaranteed traffic to your website.

If you have a desktop site, then you can redesign and optimize it to become mobile-friendly site such that potential customers can reach your site faster or you can get a mobile app that describes all your services and also providing a good user experience too. Opting for a digital marketing company that also caters to mobile application development is a good idea.

The right place to start

If you want your business to get better brand recognition and higher rankings on various search engines, the logical choice is to opt for the services of a professional SEO company in Thrissur.

The reasons to choose a reputed firm is very much important because they consist of experienced professionals that are constantly monitoring the latest updates in the online world to plan and execute the right strategies for getting increased recognition for your business.

With the rising popularity and competitive nature, there are many digital marketing companies in Thrissur and among them, Atees Infomedia is one of the best firms for your digital marketing solutions.

What makes Atees the best?

Atees has more than 7 years of experience in the field of digital marketing and has implemented effective marketing strategies that have increased the business growth for many well-known clients. Our team of professionals knows what strategies are the best for a particular business process and how to drive more organic traffic to your site.
Our services include website development, e-commerce website development, local & global digital marketing, SEO, PPC campaigns, brand awareness and recognition, social media management and more. If you want to get better recognition and more organic traffic for your business, avail our services and see the results of our unique strategies.

SEO Company in thrissur
Thinking about a perfect marketing partner?

Ask these pinnacle questions to your potential web designer

SEO Company in thrissur

Our marketing strategy should constantly evolve alongside the audience we attempt to reach. We should be at the cutting-edge of appealing our clientele, everything else falls by the wayside. With how easily accessible internet is today, the number of people who go online every day is quite expanding on a regular basis. Marketing has always been about connecting with your customers in the proper place and at the proper time. That means you need to reach them where they are spending all their time; conveniently on the internet. Here comes the importance of your captivating website.

<>SEO Company in thrissur

Web designers impart a soul to the website and web designing is the process of creating the entire look of a website. It incorporates several aspects like content production, web page layout, and graphic design. They have the freedom to determine everything about a website right from the content to the way it looks and works.

It is basically a process of ordering and conceptualizing the colour, layout, text styles, graphics, images, content, and salient features of a company. Other than companies, web designing also helps artists or individuals who want to promote their work. Nowadays setting up a website for companies has become a major trend. The readers find this method more easy to know about the services they need. Designing your website might be an ongoing nightmare.

Whether having a brand new website designed for the first time or redesigning an existing one, the hiring decision you make will dictate your website success. Once you do your due diligence, the answer will become more clear as to which website design firm to entrust the success of your budding business strategy to with this all-important website design project. The process of designing your new company website could be an absolute dream come true project. Whom you opt to help along the way and build your site for you will make all the difference to both the end product, and how much you enjoy the site build process.

I’m here to aid you all educated, to ensure you’re set to pick out the perfect designer who will get you website-launched and having a blast along the way!

I have some top smart questions you should ask your potential designer :

1. What resources do you furnish?

Apart from web designing many web design companies offer web development, hosting, copywriting, e-commerce solutions, and digital marketing services such as social media, SEO, or PPC management to their clients on a customised package. It is very common to assume all of these services are related or do the same, but in fact, they are very different services requiring very different skill sets.

SEO Company in thrissur

2. Do you customize your works or rely on templates?

For establishing a strong brand unique designs are essentials. So always go for creative designers who are eager to develop something new every time. Also check whether they provide them at affordable rates and always opt the alternative which saves money.

3. Can you provide some samples of your designs?

We should notice the performance of their sites, whether they are appealing or easy to get noticed. Everyone in the world differs in their style and attitude. So while picking your designer, be sure that their portfolio fits your style and vibe.

4. Do you have case studies to show the progress you made for your client’s websites?

Case studies can provide specific results, such as increased online sales by a certain percentage, increased leads by a certain amount, or boosted conversion rate by a certain percentage in a specific time period.

5. How will you manage my project?

Ask them about the organisational structure they will keep in developing and maintaining your websites and details regarding the mode of communication they provide with on consulting and reporting. The important thing to be informed is about the project management system.

6. Do you outsource any work?

Sometimes the web designing firm may have all the expertise needed to work on your project or otherwise they will be outsourced. You should know about the quality of work they assure to meet on your project.

7. How long will be taken to complete each process?

They should provide you with the tenure of the project and time they will take to do each task in web designing and development. And also ask them about the amount of input they offer. It is also worth discussing what happens if they don’t meet their target date.

8. Will you apply SEO on my website?

Search Engine optimization is related to the visibility of the website. For bringing our website among the top searches, SEO should be applied and make sure they work in this manner.

9. Do you offer e-commerce facility?

Along with web design and development, some firms may offer e-commerce services for businesses conducting online sales.

SEO Company in thrissur

10.Which web standards are you following?

Web standards are the formal standards and other technical specifications that define and describe aspects of the World Wide Web in designing and development of a website and their use.

11. Can I see the website during its progress in development and will you allow to participate in the same?

Web design firms may make your in-progress website available for viewing during each phase of designing so you can make suggestions, changes, or direct them and can also review the input process.

12.What should I supply for the website?

Professional designers always deny vague details, so ask them about what kind of informations you should provide them to make the development more productive.

If you feel somehow parted with all the stress and pressure you are going through I can also give you a suggestion for your new marketing partner: ATEES Infomedia Pvt Ltd the most recommended Digital marketing company in Thrissur.

ATEES, software company in Thrissur provides cost- effective solutions tailored to meet the unique requirements of individuals, organizations and businesses of all size and they are considered to be the best SEO Company in Thrissur . Their branches are spread across the United Kingdom, the United Arab Emirates and India. They have a unique team of exceptionally skilled designers, programmers, and marketers who keep close tabs on the market to ensure that you are getting the industry best solutions. ATEES, a pioneer Web designing company in Thrissur assures project delivery on time. Their main services include – ERP Consultancy, Website Development, Web Application, UI & Web Designing, Digital Marketing and E-commerce Development. They are the well versed erp development company in Thrissur and provides the best digital marketing services in Thrissur.

SEO Company in thrissur

Why I am suggesting ATEES?

ATEES, Web design company in Thrissur,offers designs and marketing tips as well as techniques for handling customers using standards met by the W3C standards. Unmatchable expertise is delivered to all clients on agreement. Talent and commitment with the trust client can rely on decides business proposals for all at ATEES, Ecommerce websites development company in Thrissur. They also integrate professionalism with personality enhancement sessions for all employees without being biased. Their organisation structure is bonded with trust and faith in each. They create designs for improving sites performance and makes it error free.

All set, now you may compare different alternative designers to conceive your budding marketing plan. Wish you a very success in your future plans and may you get connected with the best web designers. Hope my suggestions gave you an informative and trustable opinion.

Advanced Search Engine Optimisation Techniques


SEO companies in Kerala have become a widely accepted online marketing system because of its significance in customer handling and cost-effectiveness. The benefits of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) are vast in number, which is attained through unique and significant features. The online marketing landscape has changed dramatically over the past few years, but SEO services still remains a fruitful and important marketing strategy.

Increased traffic is the main benefit belongs to SEO services, which helps to attain maximum output from each marketing field. The SEO services in Thrissur are many in number and it follows well-equipped marketing strategies to deliver immediate and fine results. The top rated websites and result pages on the search engine receive the majority of the impressions and clicks, which helps to increase the significant traffic in these top positioned result pages and high ranking can be achieved to your website. It mainly focuses on creating informative and keyword relevant title tags and meta descriptions, which make high show up in the result pages. The effective use of optimised tags and descriptions helps to increase the click-through rate and also promotes the surge in qualified web traffic.

Another noticeable advantage of SEO in Kerala is its cost-effectiveness, it helps to target the users who are actively looking for specific products and services online. The inbound nature of Search Engine Optimisation helps the business firms to save money as opposed to outbound strategies like cold-calling. It also targets the patrons who are actively searching for products and services and it results in more traffic through SEO techniques. The SEO service in Thrissur is more qualified than many other marketing strategies, which results in cost-savings for the marketing companies and organisations.

Brand awareness is the another important comes under the section of SEO services. Top rankings for the websites can be achieved through significant impressions and these top positions on the result pages translate to more exposure and subjection for your website. If we place the keywords primarily on the first page then it helps the users to associate their brand with those keywords. It produces more trust since the companies on the first page are generally perceived to be more trustworthy. If the content of specific brands appears in high-rank positions in the search engines then it provides more chances for the users to view the content and makes them interested to associate with your brand. SEO company in Thrissur follows this particularly advanced techniques to escalate their marketing needs.

What is SEO?

Focusing on growing visibility in organic search engine results, make use of the new strategy of search engine optimisation in Kerala to improve rankings, increase awareness in search engines, and to drive traffic. SEO sometimes stands simply to structure your site in a way that is understood by search engines. Not only building eco-friendly websites but also it makes your website better for people too. At Atees these principles go hand-in-hand. Basically, SEO is a repeatable measurable process which is used to send signals to search engines.

What is an SEO Specialist?

An SEO Specialist reviews, implements, and analyses changes to websites to optimise for search engines. By improving page rank within search engines, Search engine optimisation in Kerala maximises the traffic to a site. An SEO specialist is responsible to make the website rank at the top of search engine results. The strategies and techniques had a great change over the past few years.

With the potential to prioritise and develop relevant and engaging content a modern specialist must be a problem solver and decision maker. For ranking the website quality content is very much necessary. We usually say content is the king, it is said so because it will invariably include keyword or phrases that increase traffic to a site. They know the relevance of internal links and the potential to problem-solve comes in handy when trying to find the fine locations and the best method to internal links.

With an in-depth knowledge of keyword research, an SEO specialist will analyse websites for improvements. With a common degree and an experience of two or three years is a much-needed factor for being an expert SEO analyst. Also, a little knowledge is preferable in HTML, CSS, blogging, programming language.


Which are the different types of SEO?

On Page SEO and Off Page SEO are the two different types of Search Engine Optimisation. Now, let’s check this detail:

On Page SEO – To get more pertinent traffic in web search engine, on page SEO is a practice to advance individual website pages. Corresponding to long-tail keywords digital marketing companies in Kerala will apply an exertion on the website to optimise all the content. The following are the activities included in on page SEO.

  1. Page Titles
  2. Mega Descriptions
  3. Mega Tags
  4. URL Structure
  5. Content Optimisation
  6. H1, H2, H3,….H6 Tags
  7. Keyword Density
  8. Image Optimisation

Off Page SEO – It is a habit of link building through various activities which is used to upgrade website position in SERPs. The various activities involved in this category are:

  1. Social Networking Sites
  2. Blog Submission
  3. Guest Blogging
  4. PPT Submission
  5. Article Submission
  6. Directory Submission
  7. Image and Video Submission
  8. Social Bookmarking
  9. Business Listings
  10. Forum Marketing
  11. Press Release
  12. Link Building

The 3 Techniques used in SEO

White Hat SEO – This uses strategies and procedures to heighten web search tool rankings of a site which don’t travel paths with web crawler rules. You can expect a progressive yet steadfast however lasting development in the rankings when you choose this strategy for SEO.

Black Hat SEO – This outrages the different shortcomings in the calculations or web search tools to get high rankings for sites. A portion of the dark cap SEO systems involves interface spam, keyword stuffing, shrouded content, shrouding, and concealed connection. One can expect fast, unusual, short persistent development in positioning.

Grey Hat SEO – This is neither black nor white procedure that does not completely utilise the black cap SEO and rather merges both. This makes a change from dark/black to white or vice versa. Due to the weight from the site or organisation or to convey better outcomes, the best SEO services in Thrissur Gray cap SEO to some extent.

Why Is Hiring SEO Company A Good Idea For Business Diversification?

Keyword Marketing: This particular marketing strategy in concerned with putting your message or content in front of the public who are searching particular keywords and phrases. Keyword marketing may vary according to the users, for ad buyers it involves purchasing ad units, which means banners. When a web surfer searches for particular keywords and phrases it outputs search results page. In the case of search engine optimisation professionals, keyword marketing includes achieving the top position in the actual search listings. An integral part of optimising a page is to locate the keywords, which specifies how your page will be ranked and how effectively a user finds your page.

search engine optimisation

Quality Service Providing At Affordable Cost: The standard quality of the services is the extreme advantage of using SEO services, which is available at very nominal prices. The services can be provided on a contract basis and it will enable you to optimise more important pages according to the priority. The effective utilisation of available resources will greatly help the SEO company in Kerala to initialise SEO services on a planned budget.

Increased Exposure: The appropriate use of keywords and phrases makes the website to rank in top position thereby increasing the exposure and revenue of specific products and services. The ranking of content will help to increase the popularity of the products thereby generating high demand.

<>seo services


Well defined Marketing Strategies with captivating content


Powerful websites along with great layout and designs


SEO friendly website with more traffic & better leads


ATEES has been the leading digital marketing agency in Kerala since 2012. Our efficient services has benefited well-known companies all over the world. We are primarily focussed on providing technologies for Micro, Small & Large businesses.

