Web Design In Thrissur
Features for a Mobile-Friendly Web Design: User Experience And SEO

In this constantly changing environment of web design and digital marketing, staying ahead demands entertaining mobile-friendly practices. Mobile devices dominate internet usage globally, making it imperative for businesses to optimize their websites accordingly. A mobile-friendly web design not only enhances user experience but also boosts SEO performance, contributing to better visibility and engagement. In this blog, we look into the essential features of a mobile-friendly web design, focusing on how it impacts digital marketing, particularly in locales like Thrissur.

Understanding Mobile-Friendly Web Design

Mobile-friendly web design refers to creating websites that provide optimal viewing and interaction experiences across a wide range of devices, particularly smartphones and tablets. With users increasingly accessing the internet on mobile devices, websites must be responsive, adaptive, and fast-loading to ensure a seamless browsing experience.

Key Features of a Mobile-Friendly Web Design

1. Responsive Design

Responsive design ensures that websites automatically adjust their layout and content based on the device being used. This avoids the requirement for separate mobile and desktop versions, which eventually streamlines maintenance and ensures consistency across various platforms.

2. Fast Loading Times

Mobile users expect websites to load quickly. Optimizing images, leveraging browser caching, and minimizing HTTP requests are crucial for reducing load times and improving overall performance.

3. Intuitive Navigation

Clear and intuitive navigation is essential for mobile users who often have limited screen space. Usability can be greatly improved by implementing a hamburger menu, giving priority to important material, and sustaining a logical flow.

4. Mobile-Friendly Content

Content tailored for mobile devices involves concise text, legible fonts, and strategically placed calls-to-action (CTAs). Scannable content with bullet points and headings facilitates easier consumption on smaller screens.

5. Touch-Friendly Elements

Designing touch-friendly buttons and links ensures that users can interact with the website effortlessly on touchscreens. Adequate spacing between elements prevents accidental taps and enhances user satisfaction.

6. Optimized Forms

Streamlining forms for mobile users by minimizing input fields and using auto-fill options can reduce friction and improve conversion rates. Validation messages should be clear and visible to aid users during data entry.

7. Mobile SEO Best Practices

Implementing mobile SEO practices such as optimizing meta tags, using structured data, and ensuring mobile-friendly URLs can enhance visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs). Websites that give an excellent mobile experience are being prioritized by Google’s mobile-first indexing.

Impact on Digital Marketing Strategies

Adding mobile-friendly web design into various digital marketing strategies is important for boosting reach and engagement. Here’s how it influences various aspects of digital marketing:

1. SEO Benefits

Mobile-friendly websites are favored by search engines, leading to higher rankings and increased organic traffic.Bounce rate and dwell time which are the improved user experience metrics signal quality to search algorithms which eventually boost SEO performance.

2. Enhanced User Experience (UX)

Positive user experiences on mobile devices translate into higher engagement and lower bounce rates. Seamless navigation and fast loading times encourage users to explore the website and interact with its content, ultimately increasing conversions.

3. Social Media Optimization

Social media platforms prioritize mobile-friendly content in their algorithms. Websites that are easy to share and navigate on mobile devices tend to receive higher engagement on social media, amplifying brand visibility and reach.

4. Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

A streamlined mobile experience reduces barriers to conversion. Mobile-friendly design elements such as simplified checkout processes and prominent CTAs encourage visitors to take desired actions, improving conversion rates and ROI.

Web Design in Thrissur: Local Insights

Renowned for its cultural diversity and expanding economic vitality, Thrissur offers distinct opportunities for businesses embracing digital transformation. As more local businesses in Thrissur go online, adopting mobile-friendly web design becomes crucial for competing effectively in the digital marketplace.

Local businesses in Thrissur can leverage mobile-friendly web design to:

  • Attract Local Traffic: Optimizing for mobile enhances visibility among smartphone users searching for local products and services.
  • Enhance Local SEO: Implementing geo-targeted keywords and ensuring mobile compatibility can improve rankings in local search results.
  • Build Brand Loyalty: Providing a seamless mobile experience fosters trust and loyalty among local customers, encouraging repeat visits and referrals.
  • Stay Competitive: In a dynamic market like Thrissur, where digital transformation is rapidly reshaping consumer behavior, ATEES ensures your business stays competitive by adopting cutting-edge mobile-friendly web design practices. 

In conclusion, a mobile-friendly web design is not just a trend but a necessity in today’s digital era. It impacts features of a mobile-friendly web design, from SEO and user experience to conversion rates and brand visibility. Businesses, especially those in thriving local economies like Thrissur, must prioritize mobile optimization to stay competitive and engage effectively with their target audience. By integrating responsive design, fast loading times, intuitive navigation, and mobile SEO best practices, businesses can create compelling digital experiences that drive growth and success in the mobile-first world. Whether you’re looking for a web design service in Thrissur or developing a new mobile-friendly site from scratch, ATEES offers personalized solutions to enhance your online presence.

Building a Strong Brand Identity Online
As the online landscape evolves, businesses must adapt to maintain a consistent and compelling brand presence across various channels. Voice search technology, for instance, has emerged as a significant game-changer, altering user behavior and search engine algorithms alike. Ensuring that your brand’s messaging and values are effectively conveyed through voice search queries is crucial for reinforcing brand identity in this rapidly evolving digital environment. Companies need to optimize their content to align with conversational queries while staying true to their brand’s tone and values, thereby solidifying their brand identity in the minds of consumers.   Moreover, the proliferation of social media platforms has opened up new avenues for brand expression and engagement. However, this abundance of channels also presents a challenge: maintaining brand consistency across diverse platforms. Whether it’s Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or emerging platforms like TikTok, each channel offers unique opportunities to connect with audiences. Crafting content that resonates with users while staying faithful to the brand’s identity requires a strategic approach. By tailoring content formats and messaging to suit each platform while maintaining a cohesive brand narrative, businesses can effectively leverage social media to strengthen their brand identity and foster meaningful connections with their target audience. Branding Agency in Thrissur  

Storytelling for Brand Building

  In the digital age, brand building has transcended mere product promotion; it’s about crafting narratives that resonate with audiences on a personal level. Storytelling, in particular, has emerged as a powerful tool for brand building in the digital sphere. Through compelling narratives that evoke emotion and empathy, brands can forge deeper connections with their target demographics, fostering loyalty and advocacy. Whether it’s through blog posts, social media content, or multimedia campaigns, storytelling serves as a vehicle for conveying a brand’s values, mission, and personality, thereby solidifying its identity in the hearts and minds of consumers.   At the heart of successful brand building lies the concept of brand identity—the cohesive set of visual, verbal, and experiential elements that define a brand’s essence and differentiate it from competitors. In this digital era, maintaining a strong brand identity is essential for standing out amidst the noise and clutter of online platforms. Consistency is key, from the logo and color palette to the messaging and user experience. By ensuring that every touchpoint reflects the brand’s personality and values, digital marketers can reinforce brand identity and instill trust and recognition in their audience. However, brand identity isn’t static; it evolves in response to market trends, consumer preferences, and cultural shifts. Digital marketers must be attuned to these changes and adapt their strategies accordingly to keep their brands relevant and resonant. This might involve refreshing visual branding elements, updating messaging to align with shifting consumer sentiments or embracing new technologies and platforms to reach audiences where they are most active. By staying agile and responsive, brands can continue to nurture and strengthen their identity in the ever-evolving digital landscape.   In addition to storytelling and maintaining consistency, actively engaging with the audience plays a pivotal role in brand building and reinforcing brand identity online. Interacting with customers through social media comments, responding to inquiries promptly, and soliciting feedback not only fosters a sense of community but also humanizes the brand. By demonstrating authenticity and transparency in these interactions, brands can further solidify their identity as trustworthy and customer-centric, fostering long-term loyalty and advocacy among their audience.  

User-Generated Content and Community Building

  User-generated content (UGC) has become a cornerstone of brand-building strategies in the digital landscape, offering a powerful means of engaging with audiences while enhancing brand image. By encouraging customers to share their experiences, opinions, and creative interpretations of the brand, companies can tap into the authentic voices of their audience, fostering a sense of community and belonging. UGC not only provides social proof of the brand’s value and credibility but also serves as a valuable source of insights for refining brand messaging and offerings. Through strategic curation and amplification of user-generated content across digital channels, brands can enrich their brand identity and cultivate a positive brand image that resonates with their target demographic.   Effective community building is essential for leveraging user-generated content and nurturing brand identity online. Brands can create dedicated spaces for their community to connect, share, and collaborate, such as branded hashtags, online forums, or user communities on social media platforms. By fostering meaningful interactions and facilitating user-generated content creation within these communities, brands can strengthen their brand identity while empowering their audience to become brand advocates. Additionally, actively engaging with user-generated content through likes, comments, and shares not only acknowledges and appreciates the contributions of the community but also encourages ongoing participation, further enhancing brand image and affinity in the digital realm.   Working with a seasoned expert can help you navigate the complex world of digital marketing and uncover success. ATEES Global is a shining example of expertise, providing a wide range of services designed to improve brand development initiatives. ATEES Global offers an array of knowledge and creative solutions, along with a strong grasp of market dynamics and an unshakable dedication to customer success. With the help of ATEES Global, brands can create memorable campaigns and leverage the power of user-generated content to establish a powerful online presence. ATEES Global helps organizations establish their identity and prosper in the dynamic digital market by utilizing innovative techniques and cultivating deep connections with audiences.
web design company
Steps to choose the appropriate web design company in India

Steps to choose the appropriate web design company in India:

In this digital era, if there is no website then there will be o business. Consumers’ behaviour has been changed accordingly due to technological advancement. With just a few clicks it is possible to get everything at your doorsteps. If you are looking for starting a website or redesign your existing one, you will have to first find a good web design agency so that you can create your website eye-catchy and interactive to help your business to reach new heights. Let us see how to choose the right web designing company in India using the following steps:

 Indian website design agency

 1.  Find a web design company that is passionate about business objectives:

A Zealous Web design agency will focus more on your business-materialistic objectives. A business’s main objective is the conversion of leads. A good web design company comprises a smart team of strategists to achieve conversions and business objectives. It should ensure the technology and visuals working at their best. This will later result in a higher conversion rate and returns from your digital platform (i.e website).

 2. Check for the agency’s portfolio:

When searching for a web design agency online, carefully check each agency’s website. The experienced agencies will provide the details of their clients and past projects. To assess the quality and uniqueness of the work you should look at the portfolio. You may also ask the designing team to provide your work samples that are similar to our work. Check the portfolio to understand the agency’s type of projects they have handled in the past. Then you will come to know if they are specialized in designing your particular industry.

 3. Latest design trends:

The visitor will notice the web design of your homepage at first. The first impression of your website is the home page’s web design, structure, and overall presentation. Your site should not look outdated. So make sure the web design team hired by you is familiar and up to date with the latest design and trends. Only they can create a responsive website. And the team should be familiar with other aspects such as flat design, parallax, scrolling, and other various styles and elements to design a distinctive, crisp-looking site. They should have complete knowledge about the content management system and search engine optimization.

 4. Supplementary services:

Make your website design attractive is important but it is the first step only. After designing and developing the website, it will need proper maintenance and other services to perform optimally. Search Engine Optimization and Graphic Design services are needed to attract the target audiences. A good website design agency will provide a wide range of services that are important for a business website.

 5. Customer review:

Check what their customers are saying to know more about the company. Go through the review sites and social media platforms to find more about the company’s reputation and the way they handle their projects. You should read the maximum reviews possible and can also read a testimonial on the company’s website.

 6. Get a price estimate:

You would have already fixed a budget for your web design project. You should check the company you like is within the budget  Web design companies in India provides many packages that are priced differently. You should choose the right web design package that suits your budget and needs as well. You can get a price estimate from multiple agencies to make a better decision.


 There is a need to increase interconnectivity and real-time data collection to opt for a good web design agency. ATEES INFOMEDIA PVT LTD is an Indian website design agency working with a team of expert digital strategists to design your website with the above-mentioned features like graphic design, Search Engine Optimization, Content Management system, etc. We will ensure to design a website that is up to date with the latest design trends and technologies. We will also provide you with the add-on services and price packages that suit your budget and needs.

Latest Trends in web designing and development


Can we imagine a world without the internet? Nope.

In the current scenario, with the emergence of better technologies, the website designing and development field is becoming complex and innovative. Web designing and web development are the most preferred job scopes in the current market.

<>Web Design Company Singapore

Did you know that there are 1.94 billion websites on the world wide web as of January 2019

That’s huge, right?

What’s more interesting is that more than thousands of websites are being added daily which further increases these numbers.

The Timeline

The early websites were static and were not as attractive as we see today, all it contained was some text with some images. It was not visually appealing, we can’t blame because the technologies at that time were not as advanced as today and computers and the internet were slowing gaining popularity.

Web Design Company Thrissur

The thing about web designing and development is that it cannot stay the same and requires constant changes so as to adapt to the latest technologies in order to stay updated.

For effective web development, keeping up with the latest measures is essential.

Web designing trends

Almost every company today, have their own website. The main reason for a website to an organisation is establishing its online presence to end users and provide easier access to their services, products, etc.An attractive website makes the customer visits the site and generates traffic.

But, in order to make a website attractive and robust, it involves a lot of work which involves using the latest technologies and frameworks, the use of creative content and more.

Let us see some of the trends for website designing and development in 2019 that will dominate the web industry:

● Videos on the website

The trend of implementing videos on websites has been present for quite some time, the demand for adding videos to websites is increasing. This has an advantage because the main highlight of a video is that it explains the whole concept in a visually attractive and engaging way for the users.

The inclusion of video is an essential form of marketing as it drives organic traffic to your website. Also, most people prefer to watch the visuals rather than read the entire content, but it does not mean that text-based content should be ditched for videos. Just maintain a balance of both when designing.

website designing trends in 2019

● Minimalistic design

It is always better to design a website that implements a minimal approach by adding the most important contents and visual features. The main highlight of the minimalistic approach is that it avoids cluttering and makes the website looks clean.

It also results in faster loading and better performance. Many well-known organizations have currently opted for minimal designs such as Apple.

Another thing to note is the color and the type of font that is used. When designing websites, always ensure that the content is readable.

Web design in Thrissur

● Single Page Application

The concept of Single Page Applications (SPA) is gaining considerable popularity today. SPA is a type of website or web application in which the user interacts with a single page that dynamically loads web pages by rewriting the current page.

Single page website benefits

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The advantage of SPA is that it decreases load times, increases performance. Due to these advantages, SPA is preferred in building responsive websites and web applications for mobile & desktop apps.

● VR & AR

Virtual Reality and Augmented reality are priced technologies that has the potential to provide a better user experience and dynamic website interaction. With the help of Virtual reality, it will provide a complete virtual world experience to the user, whereas with AR, it provides a virtual world within the real world with enhanced user experience.

web design company


Web design Company in Thrissur

● Mobile-Friendly Website

The rise of smartphones has created a trend in website development. Most of the people use mobile phones for accessing websites therefore, it has become essential to build websites that are mobile friendly

By mobile friendly, it means that the website is perfectly optimized to fit on the device screen and are responsive to touch controls. Designing and developing a mobile-friendly version of the desktop site will definitely improve your business activities.

mobile website design


 Chatbots are becoming a popular trend in the web industry.

Web design Company in Thrissur

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What if the website was able to provide a conversational interface where you could know about the services much better?

It is becoming possible with AI.

With the emergence of virtual assistants such as Siri, Amazon Alexa etc, the current trend for website designers and developers is to develop bots that facilitate human interaction with the user. The thing about chatbots is that can address the requirements of users effectively and it is available for assistance 24/7.


The Scope

One thing to know that the demand for website design and development will only be increased,because, with the arrival of better technologies and frameworks, all these must be learned as well as those websites that require changes in order to adapt it to the latest technologies, web designers will be needed for this.

The future of web industry is constantly updated with the emergence of innovative and better technologies and methodologies, therefore this creates endless possibilities in both website designing and web development.

Those who want to begin a career path in the web industry, always remember one thing, Keep learning and stay updated otherwise this is not a place for you.


Well defined Marketing Strategies with captivating content


Powerful websites along with great layout and designs


SEO friendly website with more traffic & better leads


ATEES has been the leading digital marketing agency in Kerala since 2012. Our efficient services has benefited well-known companies all over the world. We are primarily focussed on providing technologies for Micro, Small & Large businesses.

