digital marketing


Even though both digital branding and digital marketing seem to be very interchangeable words there is a serious difference in their targets. Digital marketing mainly focuses on advertising a certain product and potential customers who are ready to pull out the valet. On the other hand, digital branding is done to increase the customer base of your company by injecting your brand name into their mind through advertisement.

The benefits of using these services in your business are countless. Anyway, let’s go through a few important among them


People on the internet are split into a lot of platforms. Some use it for chatting and social media while some others work on the search engines to get some informative content. As the people are spread in different channels, we have market ourself in all of them to get a better reach. It can be a hectic task but it is worth it.


Getting viral today involves a luck factor in it. When we analyze the videos that got viral recently, we may notice that some of them really doesn’t carry an appreciable content, on the other hand, some of them with great subject and ideas are not getting enough reach. Even though there is a luck factor involved, there is one thing that we can do to achieve our goal is to post regularly on different platforms. The more you post, the more the chance to spread it.


There are some unique customer experiences offered by certain advertisements. Banner ads on some websites and GIFs that open when you click displaying attractive features and services of your company are examples of this.


Google has become the first choice of every individual to find a solution for their problem. At the same time, the majority of them will take the first one or two results given by google as a trustable resource. Digital branding helps you to be on the top of the table in the SEO ranking and thus to increase the traffic of your website.


Beyond the quality, brand value has the ability to blend its customer base to the new generation without disappointing the regular ones. Additionally, many of the online platforms are made with improved chances of connectivity and to take responsibility from them in means of survey and chatbots.

They are often more suitable than traditional marketing for interacting and keeping a relationship with customers.

digital branding


It is important to keep your marketing ideas in tune with the new trends for maximum results. Here are some trends that are noticed in India in 2021 regarding this


It’s hard to find a person who does not use a mobile phone these days and it indicates how important it is to optimize your content for this platform. Statics shows that 40% of the viewers leave the landing page as it is not optimized for their mobile.


Increased opportunities given by digital platform has been misused by a lot of fraud people and this made the potential customers in a state of confusion of whom to trust. Each and every customer are likely to invest only in trustworthy sources and it is necessary to make them understand that you are reliable. Digital platforms offer customers a variety of ways to comment on products and interact among themselves, where they can get the response of previous users which will give authenticity to your business.


Social media has made a revolutionary change in India. At no point, we can spare this platform for your digital branding to get maximum reach of your service. Special care should be taken while selecting the platform as while some of them are progressing, others are facing a downhill moment.


Social media gives a chance for the customers to create a group and interact among themselves about the product and services provided by certain brands. This is a powerful technique for digital branding as a casual visitor who gets into this group may consider the previous experience and product ratings given by potential customers into account when he is in need of purchasing a product.


Pictures are more attractive than letters while videos are more attractive than pictures. If you want to do the branding in tune with the current scenario where youngsters are addicted to videos, it is a great choice to invest in the high-quality videos of your company and product to get viral


Along with making your customer understand what your company is all about, it is important to stay on the top of SEO results to get more traffic and marketing will help you in this case. As most people are trying to find solutions for their problems through a search engine, the selection of specific keywords to be on top of SEO results are crucial


No one wants to waste their time searching your website for a piece of information, instead if there is a customer support service provided by your site to reply to their queries instantly, customers feel more attracted. Fortunately, artificial intelligence had made it possible by implementing chatbots in your site where customers can interact 24*7 and collect relevant information.


The overall design of your website or webpage and the easiness in the flow of navigation through it which can give an ultimate user experience is important to make the visitors stick to your site. This is an area where you can showcase your creativity but always remember that it should not set a barrier to user experience


Advanced applications of the internet give the opportunity to streamline your operations in a way that you couldn’t do before. You can monitor and analyze every user experience so that customers will feel comfortable all the time they use your site

Digital branding is a key to escalate your regular customer base and spreading the name of your brand to a wide range of people by utilizing different platforms. Though the results are great, it is a task that requires great technical support and we Atees Infomedia Pvt Ltd, which is holding a high reputation among the agencies doing digital marketing services in India are here to take you to the target. Let us guide you through the entire process. Contact us on 7907938810 or email us at atees@info.in

Digital Marketing Services In Kerala
5 Digital Marketing Trends to Look in 2018

Digital Marketing Services In Kerala

The year 2017 is coming to an end and the marketing managers across the globe are preparing for the next big year ahead. The analysts are busy crunching in on the current year’s data while strategists are on the lookout for new opportunities and threats. Predicting the trends of 2018 won’t be an easy task as we are sensing a dynamic shift in fundamentals of marketing. Inbounding marketing is now stronger than ever, the customers are enlightened. We knew it from the beginning that the inbound marketing would eventual win, but we underestimated the impact it would create. So what is next then? The digital marketer in you striving for success and you need to show your sale team who is the boss in town. Some of the courses such as course training in digital marketing is getting popular day by day. Well, you are in the right place, in this article we are looking into the future. Here are 5 Digital Marketing Trends to look in 2018 enjoy.

The list is in no particular order and I am just lending you my vision for the future.


The dawn of Artificial intelligence

Digital Marketing Services In Kerala

“The judgment day is upon us and humanity has to pay for its imbecility” just kidding. Artificial intelligence is the next big thing, why? Check out what Google and Facebook been doing. They are bidding billions and billions of dollars in this field. The machines are getting smarter and we don’t know if it is for good or bad. So how is AI going to affect marketing? Well, there is going to be a big impact. Gone are the days of text-based search engine optimization, Google’s latest projects such as TensorFlow will enable Google to recognize the images on your pages. As if now no one is really working on optimizing the images, they are neglected and this will cost you high in the future. Computer courses in Kerala are getting much advanced as subjects relating to software based intelligence is also taught in these courses.


Facebook becoming greedy

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Google is trying out all these new projects to improve the user experience or that’s what they are claiming. Facebook doesn’t like to get behind Google and they are also experimenting new thing here and there. Recent updates to Facebook are actually a bit frightening for the digital marketers out there. The organic means of marketing are taking a hit and Facebook is explicitly promoting the paid advertising. Facebook is turning greedy and the trend is likely to follow into other platforms also. ‘Instagram I am talking about you’ and since Facebook hijacked Instagram they are going to force down their agenda on Instagram. Organic marketing through Facebook would be more difficult than ever.


Awaken the giant- Boom in Email marketing

Digital Marketing Services In Kerala

Email marketing is the underdog in the digital marketing arena. It is not the most interesting area for marketing and the newbie in the field of marketing tends to underestimate its value. It is not that technical and it is often categorized as boring. Ask any seasoned marketer and they will surely enlighten you with its pros. It offers the highest Return on Investment and a personalized email is the most powerful tool you have in your arsenal. Email marketing out wins every other form of digital marketing due to its sheer volume. The dominance is undisputed and more marketers are busy wielding its power. This positive trend is not going to take a hit anytime soon. Email marketing is going to hit the roof in the coming years.


Finding new frontier for marketing

Digital Marketing Services In Kerala

When was the last time you used your computer to satisfy your impulsive search appetite? If you are hungry you wouldn’t mind the menu. Mobile phones have taken over the world and modern digital marketer have adapted to the change. Innovative minds in the tech industry have found new ways to spoil the average consumer. In comes the Internet of things and smart homes of the future. Google and Amazon have made huge investments in this field. Google home bot, the latest mini, the Amazon echo and Amazon echo dot is the proof of a more connected tomorrow without screens. You can already order a pizza through these devices and that said imagine what is to come. 2018 there would be more connected devices and smarter homes so I would watch this segment closely. Course training in graphic designing is one of the most sought after course that is combined with digital marketing to take a brand to new heights.


Old wine in a new bottle- finding new formats for contents

Businessman Writing the Word Content

Businessman Writing the Word Content“Content is the king” and there is no doubt about it. If you need traffic to your website, you will need to have great content to offer. When you hear the word content, what comes to your mind at first would be a 1000 word blog. The content doesn’t only exist in text format; great content can be in the forms videos also. Studies reveal that people now a day’s prefer dynamic contents such as videos over static text. Search engines are getting smarter; Google is also trying out machine learning to identifying great content. So content is going to take new forms and marketer should identify the opportunity they are presented with. You can push out more content than ever before and get traffic to your sites.

2018 would be an interesting year in the timeline of digital marketing. I would advise my fellow marketer to focus more on quality and user experience.

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digital marketing company in thrissur
Its more likely to see a video if you spent 10 minutes in any social media, and that is the competence of video in any kind of advertisement or marketing. Video production is an essential segment of any digital marketing scenario and its prominence is boosting day by day to mountainous heights. Factually, an average internet user spends 88 per cent of his/her time in any website with videos and this very calculation made digital marketing firms and SEO related firms to opt for video production rather than sticking on to text in websites. We definitely  breathe in a society where we expect more than text and we want to gain something from what we see. Thus for a small company to flourish and grab the attention of the customers they need to incorporate video production throughout their digital marketing strategy. It is predicted that by 2019, 80 per cent of the internet traffic will be video. All trends to market a solid video is being consistently evolved. 

Every successful video requires a plan, and the most innovative plan scores the most. There is a section in a digital marketing premise, who constantly digs plans and ideas to create videos that snatch the attention of the viewer. Some of the Ecommerce websites keeps on fabricating fresh videos with profound planning and unorthodox ideas. The video should target the right audience, keeping the company’s brand name and message in mind and most importantly it should be the right kind of video for the platform. For instance, if its a website video then obviously it must be a promotional video, if it is a facebook video then it should not be very much promotional as it should connect with the viewer. Other aspect to remember is the timeline and budget needed to shoot the quality of the video your company needs to grab the attention of the right audience.


Never be afraid to try something new when it comes to video. Be creative enough to make your video stand out from the 8 billion video views on facebook each day. Think about the most elaborate video that you can make and then scale it back to adjust your timeline and budget. Some website development companies prefer out of the box videos that becomes viral, controversial and trending at the same time.


If professional setup is not installed to make your video, then it may look like a personal video on social medias. Instead, a business video should have that eye-catching quality and should be slick. Some of the best website designing companies suggests that they are sometimes given videos in advance to include in the website to make it more attractive. Videographers, editors and post production team should be qualified and talented to crack the goal.

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These are the basic things that should be kept in mind before initializing video marketing MO. An effective and efficient video can take the website or the associated services to next level and can prove beneficial on a very high note. In the coming days ,these kind of digital marketing will be common and new ways to market a product will evolve. Afterall its all a cyclic process.

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DIGITAL MARKETING- Sell everything in one place “the Internet”

The virtual space is crowded these days. Almost every one of us is here, right inside our smart phones and laptops and other digital media. So it is little wonder that a growing percentage of marketing is done by companies over the internet, since that is where potential buyers show up. Digital marketing is the promotion of products over the internet. It is the quickest way to reach out to maximum number of customers, and the results of marketing can also be analyzed in real time.

<>digital marketing in thrissur


Gone are the days when we had to content ourselves with the limited knowledge of products and services presented through newspapers, TV or the radio. Today we can browse for all the information we need, read the reviews, discuss with the online community, share problems and get solutions, post blogs, shop and post reviews, the scope of the internet is limitless.

There are several activities grouped under digital marketing, such as SEO (Search Engine Optimization), SEM (Search-Engine Marketing), content marketing, e-commerce marketing, social-media marketing etc. All these activities aim at leveraging the products and services of a company in internet searches, as well as in social networking sites, discussion forums and wherever else people generally hang out in the web.

SEO: There is a great deal of competition among companies for grabbing the attention of internet users. SEO practices ensure that the website of a company ranks high in the search results of major search engines like Google, Bing etc, hence increasing web traffic to the site. But this is easier said than done. It involves a lot of research into the common ‘keywords’ people search for, the latest trends in changing needs of the online community, and the nature of competition from other companies. A well-written website that uses all the popular ‘keywords’, and gives the visitors the information they need, will be ranked higher by the search engines, thus making it popular. For example, suppose you wish to create a site for your company that sells health equipment. Searching the database for popular searches might return keywords like “How to lose weight fast”, “How to lose belly fat” etc. You may build your website content around these ‘keywords’, which will be most helpful for your audience. Blogging using keywords also makes interesting read as well as improves your company’s ranking. A well-written blog showcases your in-depth knowledge of the product/service you wish to sell. Another process that can increase your website ranking is back linking, i.e. recommendation from another site. Consider that a popular, well-established site, such as of a company that has been working in the domain of health and fitness for several years, likes your site for its engaging content and relevance to their business, and agrees to recommend it to their visitors by providing a link to your website in their web pages. The search engine automatically takes it that your website should be authoritative, since it has been liked by a website of repute.

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SEM: This form of digital marketing uses paid platforms such as Google AdWords to promote a business. Pay-per-click advertising also comes under this.

Social-media marketing: Having a strong presence in social media, with regular updates and announcement of offers, is a great way of attracting attention, and expanding one’s reach through sharing and recommendations. The idea is to create amazing content and work to build a growing group of followers interested in reading and sharing your content. It also means regular updates, sharing information freely and replying to queries, as well as connecting to companies who already have a good online audience and see it as mutually beneficial to connect to you over social media.

Display advertising: Advertisements that appear on the side bar and elsewhere in websites including social networking sites can also grab some web traffic. The key is to create innovative ads that catch the attention of visitors, and prompt them to follow the link to your website.

Direct Email marketing: This involves sending emails to past and potential customers, explaining latest offers or other promotional stuff.

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The scope for digital marketing is endless, and with the advent of better technologies, one needs to continuously update one’s online marketing strategies, or lose out in the race. Customers tend to buy from companies that are ready to devote time for personal interaction, and have a strong online presence. Digital marketing enhances a company’s online image, and facilitates better customer interaction and conversion of enquiries into business.


SEO is short for Search Engine Optimization. Why is it so important?

We use search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing etc for browsing. Once we type in a topic and click on ‘Search’, the search engine returns several pages of search results. But we don’t browse through all the pages; we usually look at the first one or two. Thus every company tries to make its website appear on the first pages of search results, so that it is visited more often by potential customers. SEO is a combination of tips and tricks employed to increase a website’s visibility, i.e. its ranking in the search results, so that it appears higher up in the search list.

A website with good engaging content that captivates visitors’ attention naturally attains a higher ranking over time owing to its popularity. Such a group of practices aimed at improving a website’s popularity is called Organic SEO. This includes keyword analysis, link building and back linking, blog writing, media updates etc.


Keyword search

You need to do some initial research on what kind of audience you expect for your website. What are the search terms they are more likely to use? We can gather this information from databases. Once we know the most popular search terms (keywords), we need add content to our website which uses the keywords to the maximum, without affecting the quality of content. For example, let us assume you are creating a website that sells health equipment. Keyword search might return most popular searches as “How to lose belly fat” or “How to lose weight quickly”. Keywords give us an idea about what is in people’s minds, and how we can write content that interests them.

Link building

It is of course the first and important step to make a great website, but what after? How does one get people to notice it? It would be stupid to just sit there thinking people would somehow notice your website, so we need to do some advertising for it. Such advertisement is creation of back links.

Search engines have a complex algorithm for deciding which websites should come first in ranking. Of this a highly important aspect is the number and quality of inbound links (or back links). These links are the ones provided by other websites to link to you. For example, if you have a website selling designer cakes, and your site is linked to by a popular site that deals with event management, your ranking goes up because the search engine assumes that your site is authoritative because it has been found worthy of linking to by a well-established site. On the other hand, if a site with poor content, or a spam site links to your website, the links are not considered significant by the search engine.

There are automatically generated pages called link farms that have been created for the sole purpose of creating back links, and these claim to increase ranking but search engines normally ignore links from such pages. There are also paid links, but buying a link puts you at risk of getting removed from the search engine’s directory if found out. Such deceptive techniques used to increase site ranking come under black hat SEO, and are generally short-lived as search engines regularly weed them out. So take care to get linked by credible web pages, and for that, you need to have amazing content for your site in the first place. Ultimately, nobody gets a free lunch. You get links for your great, innovative content relevant to readers. So create such content and keep doing so.

Search Engine Optimization is not a one-time procedure. You need to regularly update content and look for increasing backlinks by searching for authentic sites that might be interested in linking to your website. You also need to regularly check your ranking, and analyse why it goes down when it does. When done right, SEO can permanently sustain web traffic to your website and bring profit to your company.

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Well defined Marketing Strategies with captivating content


Powerful websites along with great layout and designs


SEO friendly website with more traffic & better leads


ATEES has been the leading digital marketing agency in Kerala since 2012. Our efficient services has benefited well-known companies all over the world. We are primarily focussed on providing technologies for Micro, Small & Large businesses.

