The Best SEO Strategy for 2024: Insights from a Leading SEO Company in Thrissur

As we move into 2024, the landscape of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) continues to evolve rapidly. With new algorithms, technologies, and user behaviors shaping the digital environment, businesses need to stay ahead of the curve to maintain their online presence and competitive edge. In this blog, we will look into the best SEO strategy for 2024, highlighting the latest trends, techniques, and tools. We also explore the pivotal role of a SEO company In Thrissur, such as the best digital marketing company in Thrissur, in helping businesses navigate this complex landscape.


content, meta tags, headings, and URLs.


 The Role of a Seo Company In Thrissur

Crafting the Best SEO Strategy for 2024


  1. Local SEO


This involves optimizing your Google My Business profile, getting positive reviews, and building local citations. As an SEO company In Thrissur, local SEO strategies are essential for attracting customers within the region.


  1. Off-Page SEO and Link Building


Activities that take place off your website and affect your search engine rankings are known as off-page SEO. Link building is the key component of off-page SEO. High-quality backlinks from authoritative websites signal to search engines that your site is trustworthy and relevant. For the best SEO strategy for 2024, focus on:


Guest Blogging: Contribute valuable content to reputable sites in your niche.


Broken Link Building:  Find and replace broken links on other websites with links to your content.


  1. Keyword Research and Optimization


Keyword research is the foundation of any SEO strategy. In 2024, the focus should be on finding the right balance between high-volume and long-tail keywords. Tools like Google’s Keyword Planner, SEMrush, and Ahrefs can provide valuable insights into keyword trends and competition. Once identified, these keywords should be seamlessly integrated into high-quality 

  1. Expertise and Experience


Partnering with the best digital marketing company in Thrissur offers businesses access to a team of experts with extensive experience in the field. These professionals stay updated with the latest SEO trends, algorithms, and best practices, ensuring that your SEO strategy is always ahead of the curve.


  1. Comprehensive SEO Services


A leading SEO company In Thrissur provides a wide range of SEO services, including:


SEO Audits: Comprehensive audits to identify and address any issues affecting your website’s performance.


Content Creation: Crafting high-quality, keyword-optimized content that engages and converts.


Technical SEO: Ensuring your website’s technical foundation is solid and optimized for search engines.


Link Building: Building a strong backlink profile through ethical and effective techniques.


  1. Customized Strategies


The best digital marketing company in Thrissur tailors SEO strategies to meet the specific needs and goals of your business. This personalized approach ensures that your SEO efforts are aligned with your overall marketing objectives.


Understanding the Core of SEO in 2024


  1. The Evolution of Search Algorithms


For the best SEO strategy in 2024, these updates are expected to focus even more on user experience, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning. Google’s BERT and MUM updates have already demonstrated the search engine’s ability to understand natural language and context better. Therefore, SEO strategies must prioritize creating content that is not only keyword-rich but also contextually relevant and valuable to the user.


  1. The Rise of Voice Search


With the increasing use of smart speakers and voice-activated assistants, voice search is becoming a significant part of SEO. Optimizing for voice search involves focusing on long-tail keywords and natural language queries. It also means ensuring that your website is mobile-friendly and fast-loading, as most voice searches are conducted on mobile devices.


  1. Mobile-First Indexing


Your website’s mobile version is now regarded as the primary version thanks to Google’s switch to mobile-first indexing. Making sure your website is mobile-friendly is essential in 2024, not simply a choice. This includes easy navigation on smaller displays, quick loading times, and responsive design.


  1. Quality Content is Still King


Content remains at the heart of SEO. However, the definition of quality content has evolved. It is no longer just about keyword density; it’s about providing comprehensive, engaging, and valuable information that meets the user’s intent. Incorporating multimedia elements such as videos, infographics, and interactive content can enhance user engagement and improve SEO performance.


Staying Ahead of SEO Trends in 2024


  1. Embracing AI and Machine Learning


AI and machine learning are transforming the SEO landscape. Tools powered by AI can analyze vast amounts of data to identify patterns and trends, enabling more effective keyword research, content optimization, and predictive analysis. Staying ahead in 2024 means leveraging these technologies to enhance your SEO strategy.


  1. Focusing on User Experience (UX)


User experience has become a critical ranking factor. Websites with smooth, easy-to-use interfaces are more likely to get better search engine rankings. This includes optimizing site speed, ensuring mobile responsiveness, and creating user-friendly navigation.


  1. Enhancing Visual Search


Visual search is gaining traction, with platforms like Google Lens allowing users to search using images. Optimizing your visual content, including images and videos, for search engines can provide a competitive edge. This involves using descriptive filenames, alt text, and captions.


  1. Prioritizing E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness)


Google’s emphasis on E-A-T underscores the importance of building a reputable online presence. Creating high-quality, authoritative content, getting backlinks from reputable sources, and maintaining a positive online reputation is crucial for SEO success in 2024.

Implementing the best SEO strategy for 2024 involves staying updated with the latest trends, leveraging advanced technologies, and focusing on delivering value to users. Partnering with one of the best SEO company in Thrissur can provide the expertise to make it happen. ATEES Infomedia Pvt Ltd excels in delivering top-notch digital solutions tailored to your needs. Choose ATEES for unparalleled expertise and innovative services.

Advanced Search Engine Optimisation Techniques


SEO companies in Kerala have become a widely accepted online marketing system because of its significance in customer handling and cost-effectiveness. The benefits of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) are vast in number, which is attained through unique and significant features. The online marketing landscape has changed dramatically over the past few years, but SEO services still remains a fruitful and important marketing strategy.

Increased traffic is the main benefit belongs to SEO services, which helps to attain maximum output from each marketing field. The SEO services in Thrissur are many in number and it follows well-equipped marketing strategies to deliver immediate and fine results. The top rated websites and result pages on the search engine receive the majority of the impressions and clicks, which helps to increase the significant traffic in these top positioned result pages and high ranking can be achieved to your website. It mainly focuses on creating informative and keyword relevant title tags and meta descriptions, which make high show up in the result pages. The effective use of optimised tags and descriptions helps to increase the click-through rate and also promotes the surge in qualified web traffic.

Another noticeable advantage of SEO in Kerala is its cost-effectiveness, it helps to target the users who are actively looking for specific products and services online. The inbound nature of Search Engine Optimisation helps the business firms to save money as opposed to outbound strategies like cold-calling. It also targets the patrons who are actively searching for products and services and it results in more traffic through SEO techniques. The SEO service in Thrissur is more qualified than many other marketing strategies, which results in cost-savings for the marketing companies and organisations.

Brand awareness is the another important comes under the section of SEO services. Top rankings for the websites can be achieved through significant impressions and these top positions on the result pages translate to more exposure and subjection for your website. If we place the keywords primarily on the first page then it helps the users to associate their brand with those keywords. It produces more trust since the companies on the first page are generally perceived to be more trustworthy. If the content of specific brands appears in high-rank positions in the search engines then it provides more chances for the users to view the content and makes them interested to associate with your brand. SEO company in Thrissur follows this particularly advanced techniques to escalate their marketing needs.

What is SEO?

Focusing on growing visibility in organic search engine results, make use of the new strategy of search engine optimisation in Kerala to improve rankings, increase awareness in search engines, and to drive traffic. SEO sometimes stands simply to structure your site in a way that is understood by search engines. Not only building eco-friendly websites but also it makes your website better for people too. At Atees these principles go hand-in-hand. Basically, SEO is a repeatable measurable process which is used to send signals to search engines.

What is an SEO Specialist?

An SEO Specialist reviews, implements, and analyses changes to websites to optimise for search engines. By improving page rank within search engines, Search engine optimisation in Kerala maximises the traffic to a site. An SEO specialist is responsible to make the website rank at the top of search engine results. The strategies and techniques had a great change over the past few years.

With the potential to prioritise and develop relevant and engaging content a modern specialist must be a problem solver and decision maker. For ranking the website quality content is very much necessary. We usually say content is the king, it is said so because it will invariably include keyword or phrases that increase traffic to a site. They know the relevance of internal links and the potential to problem-solve comes in handy when trying to find the fine locations and the best method to internal links.

With an in-depth knowledge of keyword research, an SEO specialist will analyse websites for improvements. With a common degree and an experience of two or three years is a much-needed factor for being an expert SEO analyst. Also, a little knowledge is preferable in HTML, CSS, blogging, programming language.


Which are the different types of SEO?

On Page SEO and Off Page SEO are the two different types of Search Engine Optimisation. Now, let’s check this detail:

On Page SEO – To get more pertinent traffic in web search engine, on page SEO is a practice to advance individual website pages. Corresponding to long-tail keywords digital marketing companies in Kerala will apply an exertion on the website to optimise all the content. The following are the activities included in on page SEO.

  1. Page Titles
  2. Mega Descriptions
  3. Mega Tags
  4. URL Structure
  5. Content Optimisation
  6. H1, H2, H3,….H6 Tags
  7. Keyword Density
  8. Image Optimisation

Off Page SEO – It is a habit of link building through various activities which is used to upgrade website position in SERPs. The various activities involved in this category are:

  1. Social Networking Sites
  2. Blog Submission
  3. Guest Blogging
  4. PPT Submission
  5. Article Submission
  6. Directory Submission
  7. Image and Video Submission
  8. Social Bookmarking
  9. Business Listings
  10. Forum Marketing
  11. Press Release
  12. Link Building

The 3 Techniques used in SEO

White Hat SEO – This uses strategies and procedures to heighten web search tool rankings of a site which don’t travel paths with web crawler rules. You can expect a progressive yet steadfast however lasting development in the rankings when you choose this strategy for SEO.

Black Hat SEO – This outrages the different shortcomings in the calculations or web search tools to get high rankings for sites. A portion of the dark cap SEO systems involves interface spam, keyword stuffing, shrouded content, shrouding, and concealed connection. One can expect fast, unusual, short persistent development in positioning.

Grey Hat SEO – This is neither black nor white procedure that does not completely utilise the black cap SEO and rather merges both. This makes a change from dark/black to white or vice versa. Due to the weight from the site or organisation or to convey better outcomes, the best SEO services in Thrissur Gray cap SEO to some extent.

Why Is Hiring SEO Company A Good Idea For Business Diversification?

Keyword Marketing: This particular marketing strategy in concerned with putting your message or content in front of the public who are searching particular keywords and phrases. Keyword marketing may vary according to the users, for ad buyers it involves purchasing ad units, which means banners. When a web surfer searches for particular keywords and phrases it outputs search results page. In the case of search engine optimisation professionals, keyword marketing includes achieving the top position in the actual search listings. An integral part of optimising a page is to locate the keywords, which specifies how your page will be ranked and how effectively a user finds your page.

search engine optimisation

Quality Service Providing At Affordable Cost: The standard quality of the services is the extreme advantage of using SEO services, which is available at very nominal prices. The services can be provided on a contract basis and it will enable you to optimise more important pages according to the priority. The effective utilisation of available resources will greatly help the SEO company in Kerala to initialise SEO services on a planned budget.

Increased Exposure: The appropriate use of keywords and phrases makes the website to rank in top position thereby increasing the exposure and revenue of specific products and services. The ranking of content will help to increase the popularity of the products thereby generating high demand.

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Digital Marketing Services In Kerala
5 Digital Marketing Trends to Look in 2018

Digital Marketing Services In Kerala

The year 2017 is coming to an end and the marketing managers across the globe are preparing for the next big year ahead. The analysts are busy crunching in on the current year’s data while strategists are on the lookout for new opportunities and threats. Predicting the trends of 2018 won’t be an easy task as we are sensing a dynamic shift in fundamentals of marketing. Inbounding marketing is now stronger than ever, the customers are enlightened. We knew it from the beginning that the inbound marketing would eventual win, but we underestimated the impact it would create. So what is next then? The digital marketer in you striving for success and you need to show your sale team who is the boss in town. Some of the courses such as course training in digital marketing is getting popular day by day. Well, you are in the right place, in this article we are looking into the future. Here are 5 Digital Marketing Trends to look in 2018 enjoy.

The list is in no particular order and I am just lending you my vision for the future.


The dawn of Artificial intelligence

Digital Marketing Services In Kerala

“The judgment day is upon us and humanity has to pay for its imbecility” just kidding. Artificial intelligence is the next big thing, why? Check out what Google and Facebook been doing. They are bidding billions and billions of dollars in this field. The machines are getting smarter and we don’t know if it is for good or bad. So how is AI going to affect marketing? Well, there is going to be a big impact. Gone are the days of text-based search engine optimization, Google’s latest projects such as TensorFlow will enable Google to recognize the images on your pages. As if now no one is really working on optimizing the images, they are neglected and this will cost you high in the future. Computer courses in Kerala are getting much advanced as subjects relating to software based intelligence is also taught in these courses.


Facebook becoming greedy

Digital Marketing Services In Kerala

Google is trying out all these new projects to improve the user experience or that’s what they are claiming. Facebook doesn’t like to get behind Google and they are also experimenting new thing here and there. Recent updates to Facebook are actually a bit frightening for the digital marketers out there. The organic means of marketing are taking a hit and Facebook is explicitly promoting the paid advertising. Facebook is turning greedy and the trend is likely to follow into other platforms also. ‘Instagram I am talking about you’ and since Facebook hijacked Instagram they are going to force down their agenda on Instagram. Organic marketing through Facebook would be more difficult than ever.


Awaken the giant- Boom in Email marketing

Digital Marketing Services In Kerala

Email marketing is the underdog in the digital marketing arena. It is not the most interesting area for marketing and the newbie in the field of marketing tends to underestimate its value. It is not that technical and it is often categorized as boring. Ask any seasoned marketer and they will surely enlighten you with its pros. It offers the highest Return on Investment and a personalized email is the most powerful tool you have in your arsenal. Email marketing out wins every other form of digital marketing due to its sheer volume. The dominance is undisputed and more marketers are busy wielding its power. This positive trend is not going to take a hit anytime soon. Email marketing is going to hit the roof in the coming years.


Finding new frontier for marketing

Digital Marketing Services In Kerala

When was the last time you used your computer to satisfy your impulsive search appetite? If you are hungry you wouldn’t mind the menu. Mobile phones have taken over the world and modern digital marketer have adapted to the change. Innovative minds in the tech industry have found new ways to spoil the average consumer. In comes the Internet of things and smart homes of the future. Google and Amazon have made huge investments in this field. Google home bot, the latest mini, the Amazon echo and Amazon echo dot is the proof of a more connected tomorrow without screens. You can already order a pizza through these devices and that said imagine what is to come. 2018 there would be more connected devices and smarter homes so I would watch this segment closely. Course training in graphic designing is one of the most sought after course that is combined with digital marketing to take a brand to new heights.


Old wine in a new bottle- finding new formats for contents

Businessman Writing the Word Content

Businessman Writing the Word Content“Content is the king” and there is no doubt about it. If you need traffic to your website, you will need to have great content to offer. When you hear the word content, what comes to your mind at first would be a 1000 word blog. The content doesn’t only exist in text format; great content can be in the forms videos also. Studies reveal that people now a day’s prefer dynamic contents such as videos over static text. Search engines are getting smarter; Google is also trying out machine learning to identifying great content. So content is going to take new forms and marketer should identify the opportunity they are presented with. You can push out more content than ever before and get traffic to your sites.

2018 would be an interesting year in the timeline of digital marketing. I would advise my fellow marketer to focus more on quality and user experience.

<>Digital Marketing Services In Kerala

SEO in Kerala
Latest Google SEO Updates and Algorithm changes in 2017

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SEO plays an important role in building up of your business from time to time. SEO tools are the absolute solution needed to maintain the page ranking in the search engine result pages. To be able to receive the best out of the google seo tactics you have to stay renovated with the latest updates in the market. This way you can also understand about the latest trends introduced that helps ranking much simpler than ever before, given that your efforts are same or even better compared to the former one. So be attentive and keep your eyes and ears open for new announcements regarding the seo updates from this tech giant.

SEO in Kerala

Algorithms are set of rules to be followed by a computer to retrieve an information from a list of data items. Search algorithms focus on detecting a specific term or line from a long queue of items shown up in the search engine result page. Google is the innovator in this field and new updates with enhanced features are essential for the intensifying the website. Web administrators need to have an exceptional knowledge on the upcoming and latest search algorithms introduced as they are the ones who keeps us updated on the web.

Google has been upgraded with enormous number of updates of prominent search algorithms which was utilized by the businesses across the globe which helped them merge with success. Following are the search algorithms to be viewed upon for latest seo updates in 2017 powered by google to ensure better ranking in search engine result pages.

  • Hummingbird Update:SEO in kerala

Google has been using this update since August 2013 and has plenty of aspects that influenced the search engine results. It got its name for the reason being small and swift similar to the humming bird. It was introduced with an aim to clearly focus on the meaning of the term or phrase used rather than scanning on a particular keyword. This aims at matching the meaning of the word that the user search for and displays a more accurate results. Modernized features of new update are capable of showcasing some significant performance in keyword research. Graph facts are introduced for better search result on SERP and keyword stuffing can be easily recognized with this upgrade.

  • Penguin Update:seo in kerala

Google made open this update to the public on 12 April to hold the sites from spamming google search results. This technique seeks to lessen the search ranking of the website which make use of black hat seo strategy to tremendously boost the rankings. This is also applicable for sites that do not comply with google’s guidelines of seo. With the release of the new update they ensure strict action are set on websites using cunningness to effortlessly increase their position in the world wide web. Moreover they keep an eye on spamming websites that buy links or acquire it through linked networks to alter their stand.

  • Panda Update:SEO in Kerala

Introduced Panda to the world of seo on February 2011. It provides a strong search filter capable of blocking websites with low quality content from being escalated to the top in search engine. One of the cons with panda is that it ignores the list already caught previously by the algorithm. Heuristic analysis is employed to get hold of poor content set of pages who may have escaped before. Renovating the site may deliver false positive to come into effect. Some important update features recently has brought about some serious changes in the algorithm. Same keywords are not allowed to be repeated in multiple pages. Panda gives way to new standard contents and avoids incoming of poor ones.

  • Pigeon Update:seo in kerala

Launched on July 24, 2013 is yet another algorithm initiated to impart functional, relevant and precise search results that are more similar to the typical searching factors. Google expresses the fact that it refines their distance and parameters in a more optimal manner the user hopes for. It gives more preference to the local search results with this update, so this can be more beneficial for running small businesses confined to a limited area. Pigeon update can out turn google maps result too as this algorithm is entirely location specific and location matters here more than anything else. Optimization is to be controlled for proper functionality and paved way to more powerful domains.

  • Mobile Friendly Update:seo in kerala

An algorithm designed enabling compatibility with mobile devices was released on April 21, 2015 and they named it mobile friendly update. The name itself defines its purpose. Web searches with a mobile was made trouble free similar to to that of a desktop. This update is known by many names as the date on which this reform was put into effect was remarkable.

Mobilegeddon, mobilepocalyse, mobocalys are some of the names it is being called in the world of search engines. If you are onto work in a mobile page and want to know whether your page is considered by google, evaluate it with a mobile friendly testing tool. Latest mobile friendly seo updates have a mobile testing tool with API access made accessible to the end user’s and speed ranking factors are also implemented into mobile sites to make it faster.

  • Pay Day Update:seo in kerala

Google’s Pay Day Update was acquainted in June 11,2013 targeted at removing the spammy queries such as payday loans and pornographics and other large spam databases. It also utilises similar tech used by the penguin update to punish the websites who are employing spammy methods for enhancing their rankings in the google search engine result pages. Often they makes use of black hat seo to accomplish their requirement and this algorithm terminates it from happening again. Currently Payday Loan 1.0, Payday Loan 2.0 and Payday Loan 3.0 are the latest releases in the market.

  • Pirate Update:seo in kerala

Google Pirate update is a filter formulated to halt sites with many copyrights violation reports from coming up in the search engine results. Again here the sites which are affected beforehand may flee from being caught but not unless they have resolved their issues. It may or may not release false positive results for those held previously. Latest pirate update penalizes websites holding a huge amount of violation breach reports. Removing a page from the index requires valid documents so deceiving activities cannot be carried out, which makes it the best option for medias and artists.

  • Top Heavy Update:seo in kerala

This update was launched in January 2012 with an aim to halt the websites filled with advertisements from spotting well in the rankings. This also is frequently updated in the server and sites that have erased ads can easily recover their lost position. Upgrades occur frequently and ad packed sites will be snatched again even though it was caught before. Page layout algorithm employed in the latest enhancements are just behind websites which are top heavy in advertisements. Same ad contained in a normal ratio announced by google are free from the top heavy penalty.

  • EMD Update:seo in kerala

Exact Match Domain abbreviated as EMD is another filter introduced to prevent keywords that matches the requirement of the user yet being discarded because of the composition of site is of poor standard. This update was activated on September 2012. When it is revised the sites that have improved their quality will retrieve a good position and sites with poor content and those which have escaped the clutches before will have to suffer this algorithm. Notably false positive results may or may not get dispensed.


Well defined Marketing Strategies with captivating content


Powerful websites along with great layout and designs


SEO friendly website with more traffic & better leads


ATEES has been the leading digital marketing agency in Kerala since 2012. Our efficient services has benefited well-known companies all over the world. We are primarily focussed on providing technologies for Micro, Small & Large businesses.

