Convert visitors into your customers with professionally designed solutions

Every day we buy some kind of stuffs that we need or for others. Shopping is done in different ways. Some may wish to go out for buying things and others rely on online shopping.

Have you ever bought anything through the internet or sold something through it?

Then you have said to be participated in electronic commerce.

Electronic commerce is referred to as the process of buying and selling of products and services online through the medium of internet. It started with the invention of Electronic Data Interchange followed by the evolution of ERP.
E-commerce is not merely related to a shopping site, it is really something more than what that makes you involved in every stream of business.

Why e-commerce is more useful than website development?

  1. The software makes the work simpler and only a few employees are needed to operate the daily activities.
  2. The technology makes the results more accurate and prompt
  3. Better performance with faster operations.
  4. With a single interface, multiple tasks can be accomplished

Stop losing sales with an effective e-commerce solution

‘What you give is what you get’, this is a universal phenomenon. So start your research with knowing yourselves. Think about what all stuff you prefer with your shopping experience including the additional services. We should be aware of the catchy statements that make us buy and also the mode of interactions that can make it happen.

Here are some tips to explode your sales with e-commerce


The secret of getting more sales is to acquire more leads since leads can be converted into customers. But, how could it happen?

The changing demand patterns change the environment and structure of lead conversion. Don’t worry. We can help you.

Before narrating the strategies to be used, let us discuss lead.

What is considered to be a lead?

Lead generation in e-commerce is highly based on the audience we have. First of all, we should know about our customers. The query should include the kind or bundle of clients, where to find them and how they can be attracted. The heterogeneity includes age and gender, education and income, challenges and pain points, information sources and much more.

Start target marketing

Google analytics will help you in knowing the significant details regarding your web traffic. That will include:

1. Ways your visitors usually find your website
2. Links connecting different traffic sources
3. Referral sites that bring traffic to your website
4. Visitors from social networks who finds you

Traffic sources generator tends to generate higher revenue, even then, it cannot be the only metric to rely on.

Enabling the e-commerce tracking in google analytics account can make you know about the rate and revenue in connection with your traffic sources. Then focus your every effort to generate a lead that can be converted into customers.

Now let us go through the strategies for lead generation


1. Create a list of Email – Email marketing is an effective and simple way for lead generation. It is free of cost up to a plethora of customers to get connected with. Always keep a constant contact with them to ensure proper lead generation. d generation. It is the easiest way to communicate with the prospective customers.

<>erp development in thrissur

2. Make use of lead magnet– A lead magnet can be an assistant in showing how to get more from customers. One which is easy to understand and the best problem solver should be subscribed.

3. Simple but effective tactics – What online shoppers generally expect from us is discounts. More than half the percentage of the audience look for special coupons to buy. Try to attract them with pop up coupons.

4. Offer time-sensitive deals – It will be more appealing if we could make an offer during a festive season or on any other celebrations or special occasions. Make a sense of urgency or fear for losing something which is considered to be a golden chance.

5. Use SEO services to find help – Find out the right search terms and keywords to optimize your site. Make content in a shareable format. Then we may get more reach than expected.

6. Retain your audience – Nurture e-commerce with live chat, campaigns and mobile App conversions. You can make use of anything which will help to retain your existing customers. And also turn your social audience into your clients.

Hope these ideas will help you in succeeding lead generation.

SEO Company in thrissur
Thinking about a perfect marketing partner?

Ask these pinnacle questions to your potential web designer

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Our marketing strategy should constantly evolve alongside the audience we attempt to reach. We should be at the cutting-edge of appealing our clientele, everything else falls by the wayside. With how easily accessible internet is today, the number of people who go online every day is quite expanding on a regular basis. Marketing has always been about connecting with your customers in the proper place and at the proper time. That means you need to reach them where they are spending all their time; conveniently on the internet. Here comes the importance of your captivating website.

<>SEO Company in thrissur

Web designers impart a soul to the website and web designing is the process of creating the entire look of a website. It incorporates several aspects like content production, web page layout, and graphic design. They have the freedom to determine everything about a website right from the content to the way it looks and works.

It is basically a process of ordering and conceptualizing the colour, layout, text styles, graphics, images, content, and salient features of a company. Other than companies, web designing also helps artists or individuals who want to promote their work. Nowadays setting up a website for companies has become a major trend. The readers find this method more easy to know about the services they need. Designing your website might be an ongoing nightmare.

Whether having a brand new website designed for the first time or redesigning an existing one, the hiring decision you make will dictate your website success. Once you do your due diligence, the answer will become more clear as to which website design firm to entrust the success of your budding business strategy to with this all-important website design project. The process of designing your new company website could be an absolute dream come true project. Whom you opt to help along the way and build your site for you will make all the difference to both the end product, and how much you enjoy the site build process.

I’m here to aid you all educated, to ensure you’re set to pick out the perfect designer who will get you website-launched and having a blast along the way!

I have some top smart questions you should ask your potential designer :

1. What resources do you furnish?

Apart from web designing many web design companies offer web development, hosting, copywriting, e-commerce solutions, and digital marketing services such as social media, SEO, or PPC management to their clients on a customised package. It is very common to assume all of these services are related or do the same, but in fact, they are very different services requiring very different skill sets.

SEO Company in thrissur

2. Do you customize your works or rely on templates?

For establishing a strong brand unique designs are essentials. So always go for creative designers who are eager to develop something new every time. Also check whether they provide them at affordable rates and always opt the alternative which saves money.

3. Can you provide some samples of your designs?

We should notice the performance of their sites, whether they are appealing or easy to get noticed. Everyone in the world differs in their style and attitude. So while picking your designer, be sure that their portfolio fits your style and vibe.

4. Do you have case studies to show the progress you made for your client’s websites?

Case studies can provide specific results, such as increased online sales by a certain percentage, increased leads by a certain amount, or boosted conversion rate by a certain percentage in a specific time period.

5. How will you manage my project?

Ask them about the organisational structure they will keep in developing and maintaining your websites and details regarding the mode of communication they provide with on consulting and reporting. The important thing to be informed is about the project management system.

6. Do you outsource any work?

Sometimes the web designing firm may have all the expertise needed to work on your project or otherwise they will be outsourced. You should know about the quality of work they assure to meet on your project.

7. How long will be taken to complete each process?

They should provide you with the tenure of the project and time they will take to do each task in web designing and development. And also ask them about the amount of input they offer. It is also worth discussing what happens if they don’t meet their target date.

8. Will you apply SEO on my website?

Search Engine optimization is related to the visibility of the website. For bringing our website among the top searches, SEO should be applied and make sure they work in this manner.

9. Do you offer e-commerce facility?

Along with web design and development, some firms may offer e-commerce services for businesses conducting online sales.

SEO Company in thrissur

10.Which web standards are you following?

Web standards are the formal standards and other technical specifications that define and describe aspects of the World Wide Web in designing and development of a website and their use.

11. Can I see the website during its progress in development and will you allow to participate in the same?

Web design firms may make your in-progress website available for viewing during each phase of designing so you can make suggestions, changes, or direct them and can also review the input process.

12.What should I supply for the website?

Professional designers always deny vague details, so ask them about what kind of informations you should provide them to make the development more productive.

If you feel somehow parted with all the stress and pressure you are going through I can also give you a suggestion for your new marketing partner: ATEES Infomedia Pvt Ltd the most recommended Digital marketing company in Thrissur.

ATEES, software company in Thrissur provides cost- effective solutions tailored to meet the unique requirements of individuals, organizations and businesses of all size and they are considered to be the best SEO Company in Thrissur . Their branches are spread across the United Kingdom, the United Arab Emirates and India. They have a unique team of exceptionally skilled designers, programmers, and marketers who keep close tabs on the market to ensure that you are getting the industry best solutions. ATEES, a pioneer Web designing company in Thrissur assures project delivery on time. Their main services include – ERP Consultancy, Website Development, Web Application, UI & Web Designing, Digital Marketing and E-commerce Development. They are the well versed erp development company in Thrissur and provides the best digital marketing services in Thrissur.

SEO Company in thrissur

Why I am suggesting ATEES?

ATEES, Web design company in Thrissur,offers designs and marketing tips as well as techniques for handling customers using standards met by the W3C standards. Unmatchable expertise is delivered to all clients on agreement. Talent and commitment with the trust client can rely on decides business proposals for all at ATEES, Ecommerce websites development company in Thrissur. They also integrate professionalism with personality enhancement sessions for all employees without being biased. Their organisation structure is bonded with trust and faith in each. They create designs for improving sites performance and makes it error free.

All set, now you may compare different alternative designers to conceive your budding marketing plan. Wish you a very success in your future plans and may you get connected with the best web designers. Hope my suggestions gave you an informative and trustable opinion.

digital marketing company in thrissur

digital marketing company in thrissur
Its more likely to see a video if you spent 10 minutes in any social media, and that is the competence of video in any kind of advertisement or marketing. Video production is an essential segment of any digital marketing scenario and its prominence is boosting day by day to mountainous heights. Factually, an average internet user spends 88 per cent of his/her time in any website with videos and this very calculation made digital marketing firms and SEO related firms to opt for video production rather than sticking on to text in websites. We definitely  breathe in a society where we expect more than text and we want to gain something from what we see. Thus for a small company to flourish and grab the attention of the customers they need to incorporate video production throughout their digital marketing strategy. It is predicted that by 2019, 80 per cent of the internet traffic will be video. All trends to market a solid video is being consistently evolved. 

Every successful video requires a plan, and the most innovative plan scores the most. There is a section in a digital marketing premise, who constantly digs plans and ideas to create videos that snatch the attention of the viewer. Some of the Ecommerce websites keeps on fabricating fresh videos with profound planning and unorthodox ideas. The video should target the right audience, keeping the company’s brand name and message in mind and most importantly it should be the right kind of video for the platform. For instance, if its a website video then obviously it must be a promotional video, if it is a facebook video then it should not be very much promotional as it should connect with the viewer. Other aspect to remember is the timeline and budget needed to shoot the quality of the video your company needs to grab the attention of the right audience.


Never be afraid to try something new when it comes to video. Be creative enough to make your video stand out from the 8 billion video views on facebook each day. Think about the most elaborate video that you can make and then scale it back to adjust your timeline and budget. Some website development companies prefer out of the box videos that becomes viral, controversial and trending at the same time.


If professional setup is not installed to make your video, then it may look like a personal video on social medias. Instead, a business video should have that eye-catching quality and should be slick. Some of the best website designing companies suggests that they are sometimes given videos in advance to include in the website to make it more attractive. Videographers, editors and post production team should be qualified and talented to crack the goal.

digital marketing company in thrissur

These are the basic things that should be kept in mind before initializing video marketing MO. An effective and efficient video can take the website or the associated services to next level and can prove beneficial on a very high note. In the coming days ,these kind of digital marketing will be common and new ways to market a product will evolve. Afterall its all a cyclic process.

<>digital marketing company in thrissur


Well defined Marketing Strategies with captivating content


Powerful websites along with great layout and designs


SEO friendly website with more traffic & better leads


ATEES has been the leading digital marketing agency in Kerala since 2012. Our efficient services has benefited well-known companies all over the world. We are primarily focussed on providing technologies for Micro, Small & Large businesses.

