Web Designing Companies in Kerala

Are you a web designer? If yes, what are the qualities you spray on the website under construction? A website is a page where a customer or a client searches for information rather than just seeing the beauty. So the designing should be made in such a way it doesn’t discomforts the person looking for informations which may result in losing the customer.

<>Web Designing Companies in Kerala

Web Designing Companies in Kerala

Are you looking for Web Designing Companies in Kerala? ATEES is a web design company in Kerala, has put forward a team for servicing effective and user friendly design of the website to its customers. Here we are also exporting knowledge on the guidelines to be followed while designing a website.

  • Consider the audience who searches for information and their goals before arriving to the initial stage of designing. Note that they don’t just read the information given but scans for relevant informations which depends on the type of business they have opted.
  • Initially plan and sketch a rough idea of your website and implement it online by using a dummy site before hosting it so that you can make room for changes before the user views it. Organize the titles and subtitles in appropriate place and style so that it looks neat and clean for the end user.
  • User’s prioritize on quality and reliability of the page. A business targeted site may opt for more and more advertisements which can gain money using PPC (Pay Per Click) strategy with easy to understand quality contents can bring in more and more traffic to the website.
  • Clarity is a major factor to be taken care of during the design process. 90% of the user’s researches for suitable information they require rather than looking at just the design. Keep a watch on unwanted design components and color grids for images and readable fonts avoiding high contrast are recommended. Put a full stop to unpleasant graphics which may descend the rating of the website.
  • The end user will always choose a site through which they can navigate smoothly. Shortcut buttons to reach a specific position within a page or outside can be an effortless action for the person but note that extensive use of buttons can prove disastrous to the site. Try to design it as simple as possible adding breadcrumbs (a graphical control element used for navigational assistance) to keep track of their position within the website.


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ATEES has been the leading digital marketing agency in Kerala since 2012. Our efficient services has benefited well-known companies all over the world. We are primarily focussed on providing technologies for Micro, Small & Large businesses.

