digital marketing services in thrissur


UX or User Experience is becoming increasingly popular in the digital marketing landscape and web design in Kerala. But do you know the importance of it in marketing and how it can impact your work? Actually, there is an important difference between user experience and digital marketing; Marketing is all about making people want things, designing is making things that people want and the experience is driven by the design, and Digital Marketing Companies in Kerala relies on this while marketing. Now we will see the relevance of UX in digital marketing.

User Experience is not always About Interfaces

One of the main misconception about user experience is that it is all about beautiful interfaces. Though it is a part of user experience, it is only one among the larger discipline with a broader mandate. The process of designing an interface, mainly when on a screen is what is called user interface design or interaction design which is well-known for the software companies in Kerala. This is one of the subset of user experience, which is only a part of the many spectrum of skills that are associated with the discipline. When extracting out its essence, user experience is actually the relationship between people and technology. And, UX is all about identifying and designing this relationship. As the digital disruption and amount of technology increases, the importance of this relationship also comes forward for the SEO companies in Kerala. The increasing prevalence of wearables and Internet of Things (IoT) results in the increase in this disruption, and the perceptions of UX being tied to screens makes a big challenge for Digital Marketing in Kerala.

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Not just for the Promotion, UX Touches the Product Itself

User experience is actually driven by design that makes people want the product. This implies that UX tends to live more naturally towards the product design end than anything else. UX designers often asks “why?” while making product decisions for SEO services in Kerala. This seems to be odd with the marketing teams that are closely focused on how to drive more sales of a fixed  product. The UX designers works closely with digital marketing team who are responsible for things like optimization that happens with campaigns. All this makes UX designers to challenge many assumptions of the product, considering the users of it. This helps the digital marketing team with the valuable intelligence on how to sell or position a product more effectively.

Designing results in Experience

The experience with the product can happen anyway, regardless its been included in our marketing plan. But, marketing usually occurs outside the channel that is called experience. Digital marketing mostly focus on channels that reach access customers, through digital, print, mobile, and so on. But customers are those who need what actually the product addresses. People in real doesn’t have channels, they probably live between the gaps in the channels. Recently we have begun to introduce concepts like cross-channel experiences or omni-channel experiences into the marketing. This is now broken down and use business logic in order to explain customers in terms of the capability of the businesses rather than the needs of the customers. This remains a problem to the marketing as it cripples the efforts from its outset because the conversion rates live in these gaps. This is exactly where user experience design lives. A user experience designer in your digital marketing team can help you redress this imbalance.

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UX can Change the Face of Digital Marketing

You may be already known of the modern social nature of web 2.0 has changed digital marketing. The practice of managing ROI on broadcast media evolve to become a practice of dealing or managing conversations and also contributing to social groups and communities. Do you know what will happen when the product themselves become a part of the complexity which is the social web? We are faced with a greater force for disruption because most interactions on the social web evolve to be between people and products or products and products, not just between people, with the dawn of Internet of Things for digital marketing, SEO and Web development in Kerala. Marketing can do only little for this. User experience consider the lack of emotions of the connected devices, not just the emotions of the people as the devices become more integral part of our lives.

<>digital marketing services in Thrissur


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